Chapter 4

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Miyamoto quickly got on the defensive when Bakugo asked his question.

"More? What do you mean? You already saw what it could do."

She rushed out her words way too quickly; Bakugo narrowed his eyes at her obvious attempt to try to hide her quirk.

"You didn't feel Dunce Face's electricity, even though we had it go all across the floor. Did you sense it before then and use your weird shadows to dull the effects?"

Miyamoto's stomach dropped. He noticed that?

He can't know. He can't know. He can't know the truth.

The mantra in her mind kept repeating itself over and over. Aizawa, All Might, and Principal Nezu promised secrecy over the extent of her quirk. It was supposed to be described as simple darkness: shadows.

How did he already catch on to something she so desperately wanted to keep hidden?

"I did," she whispered yet another lie. "The darkness protects me."

The last part wasn't a lie.

Bakugo grunted, dissatisfied with her answers, but smart enough to realize he wasn't getting anything else out of her.

They made it back to the group, where Aizawa came up to both of them. He looked irritated, but mostly with Bakugo.

"You chased off Miyamoto and then went after her?" he grumbled, and Miyamoto even saw Bakugo look away from Aizawa-sensei. Apparently no one wanted him to be the target of his anger.

"I brought her back." Bakugo mumbled and Aizawa glared at him.

"Don't make your classmates cry," Aizawa warned before he turned to Miyamoto. He obviously knew the situation with her better, but it didn't make him any less irritated. "And don't go running off where I can't see you. I'm your teacher."

"I'm sorry." Miyamoto murmured. Aizawa let out a sigh and put a hand on her head.

"You're both fine, that's all that matters. Just behave yourselves."

With that, he shuffled off to stand back by All Might to finish the evaluations. Miyamoto awkwardly stepped away from Bakugo, unsure of whether he had finished talking to her or not, but she had finished saying anything she wanted to say.

She ended up sitting against the wall, her arms wrapped around her legs, with her head resting on top of her knees. She had intentions of watching her fellow classmates, but she ended up in a daze, thinking about the fight earlier.

Miyamoto had lost control. The fear in her body spiked her quirk's response, which is why Kirishima ended up so dizzy. Had she remained calm and in control, the warp into darkness would've been a lot smoother. It had nearly made her throw up too.

Her power gets stronger the more fear she feels. Miyamoto guessed it was because of all the years she had spent trying to escape those scientists. It wasn't as if she were some creature from a different planet, even if that's what they treated her as. Her only escape was through the darkness.

"The darkness protects me." she murmured, wondering if Bakugo even caught on to the truth behind those words.

Every chance she could, she would disappear into darkness in order to hide from more experiments. From more scientists pricking her with needles, cutting open her body, or testing her out for some sick desire they had for her quirk.

For years she would hide inside the darkness until they used one of their quirks to drag her out. She could never truly escape. Even if she warped to her room, they always found her. But she knew no other safe space. No space she could ever truly escape to forever.

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