Chapter 2 || Repeat!

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Hermione was getting the mail from Hedwig, my beautiful owl. She gingerly plucked one from her beak.

"Thank you, Hedwig."

Like anyone should say thank you anymore.

"Did you remember my dad's birthday?" Ron asked me, "I kinda forgot to buy him a rubber duck."

"Oh, Ronald," Hermione sighed in exasperation, "I ordered one for you because I knew you'd forget."

"Hermione! You're the best!"

"Just a lot smarter than you are," Hermione mumbled and handed him the rubber duck in a plastic box.

It had some golden sunglasses on and a big sign that said "BOSS DAD". And on top of it all, it lit up when Ron touched a button.

"AHHHHHHH!" he screamed.

"Oh, Ronald, it's not magic. It's muggle electricity."

"O-Oh... I knew that."

He plopped it in a bag and stuffed it with some tissue paper before writing in sloppy handwriting.

To Dad, From Ron

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Hermione started squealing like a valley girl in the mall.

"What?" Ron peered over at her.

"Yeah... what?" I eyed her.

Whenever Hermione squeals, it's either because she got a new book from the store, or there's a huge quiz. I hope it's just a book.

"It's Hogwarts! They opened up an eighth year! They're inviting us to be in it!" Hermione jumped up and down, "Oh my gods! Oh my gods! TEEHEE!"

She skipped off.

"What happened to Hermione Granger?" Ron squeaked, scared.

"I don't know but I don't need to find out," I shrugged and put my legs on the table.

"Harry, you're not supposed to--"

"Shush, Ronald."


I arrived in London, where Hecate left me. At King's Cross Station. I carefully walked along the bridges, staring at the night sky. What in the entire world was I supposed to do now? I just sat in the station, watching as people boarded trains and the world went by. I stared at the ticket.

Platform 9 3/4

"What the..."

I quickly tucked it into my coat pocket and approached a conductor.

"Excuse me sir," I said, "Do you know where Platform 9 3/4 is?"

He glared at me.

"It's the same every year! What is it with you folk! You're not being funny!" he flew into a rage.

"O-Oh... I'll just... go."

I was just hanging out, listening to music on my phone, when I realized that it was daytime. I unplugged the headphones and heard something.

"Platform 9 3/4 this way!"

I curiously tucked my phone back into the pocket of my jeans and walked over to where the sound was coming from. A woman with flaming red hair was like a mamma duck and she had a couple more redheads coming.

"We're all going back to Hogwarts!" one cheered.

"Yes, Fred!"

"No, I'm Fred!"

Demigods At Hogwarts (pjo/hoo/hp crossover)Where stories live. Discover now