Chapter 43 || Off to Paris

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I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. So I booked our train ticket.

Train Ride to Paris, France at 7:00 AM June 3rd

I checked the time. It was 4:00 AM. I rolled out of the bed, getting into the shower and combing my hair before it turned all messy again. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants, then some sneakers, then I shook Annabeth.

"Wake up, Wise Girl. We've gotta go," I whispered.

She gave a groan of protest. I laughed and pulled her out. She gasped as she felt the sheets slip off of her body and she slapped me.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Sh!" she slapped me again.


"Sh!" she clamped a hand over my mouth.

I laughed.

"We've got a train ride at 7:00 AM. Hurry. It's an hour drive to the new station and we still need to pack up."

She ran to the bathroom while I packed our clothes into the suitcases. When she was done, she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Alright, let's do the checklist. Slippers, check... laptop, check... clothing, check... owls--" our owls began to squawk loudly "--check."


"We're all meeting up at the station, okay?" I said as we met in the lobby, "Same groups as last time. Get taxis and be ready at all times. Just hope we won't get attacked."

The muggles all stared at us, confused. We left the lobby and entered taxis. Annabeth examined the driver from the rearview mirror.

"What're you lookin' at?" the driver raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," she apologized, "Just looking at my hair."

"Young ladies and their beauty," the driver muttered.

He dropped us off after an hour of silence and we all rushed out. Hazel suddenly appeared next to us.

"Monster. In the car. Almost got skewered," she panted.

"We're here," Nico and his group walked in.

"Great," I watched the clock, "Security."

"Yay," Thalia rolled her eyes.

We all stepped over, grabbing our bags and hurrying off. Leo grabbed some gum from the candy shop and I grabbed us some Panda Express. We calmly ate before running to our flight.

"Tickets," a lady muttered.

I handed her the tickets and we boarded the train.

"Business class? Me like..." Thalia sighed.

Leo reclined in his seat all the way down so he was laying down.

"Night night," he yelled before  snoring like a buffalo.

"Wow," Nico muttered, "I'm going to bed now, guys."

"We've got a six-hour train ride ahead of us so sleep well," I laughed and fell asleep.


I woke up at 9:00 AM when they were passing out breakfast.

"Good morning good sirs and ladies," the woman rolling the trolley walked over to us.

Strangely, she seemed familiar. She had long legs and her eyes seemed to turn into eight when I turned from side to side... Arachne!

"GUYS SHE'S ARACHNE!" I yelled, grabbing my sword.

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