Chapter 39 || Three Death Eaters Out

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"Milord... they have got the upper hand right now," a voice said.

I saw Jacob, bandaged up all over. Probably from Annabeth's badass awesomeness.

"The upper hand? We have all the power we need right now. I don't understand why you only managed to kill ten students."

"No, milord, they have different advantages."

"Such as...?" Voldemort narrowed his eyebrows--well, he had no eyebrows.

"They have weapons. They know how to fight."


"Knives... daggers... swords... they tore us apart," Jacob whispered.

"Well," Voldemort stood, "We will have to up our game. Thank you for telling me, Jacob, now go fetch me a large bottle of champagne."

I woke up screaming. I have no idea why. Hermione burst in, naturally, because she was the one right next to me.

"What? What is it? Are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened? You must be in terrible pain! Your painkillers just wore off!"

Oh, so that's what it was.

"That, and I had a bad dream."

Hermione sighed, clearly over my attitude, and began to layer my sheets.

"It's not winter, Hermione."

"It's early spring, which is still cold. It's only 5 AM. Now take your potions and pills and I'll get you a blue coke. Drink them. Or I won't let you get out of bed today. I don't care if I have to knock you out to do it. I'm on bandage duty today anyways."

"You guys have a rotation?"

"You're our leader in the group. If anything happens to you we're all screwed, Percy."

"You've got Annabeth," I pointed out.

"Yes, but if Leo's to make a fire, who else can put it out before a piece of burning lumber falls on top of a student?"

"Fair enough."

Hermione practically shoved the potion and a large pill down my throat.

"Ah," I choked out afterwards, "That is disgusting."

"You've got four worse ones after this and four more small pills. Get through it."

After I was done gagging and trying not to throw the pills up, Hermione let me sip my blue coke.

"Good thing you're here this time. When Frank did it last time, it took three hours because he couldn't stand looking at me wailing--"

"Like a little baby. Yes," Hermione put the potion bottles back on the shelves.


"It's true," she pointed out, "Now back to the topic. What was this dream about?"

"He knows we're using weapons and he's going to train his Death Eaters how to use them, too."

"We're gonna have to train them harder, then," Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Do you think he knows you're a horcrux?"

"I have occlumency so I don't think I'm vulnerable."

"Well, that's good," Hermione sat down on an armchair, "We have RDS today, so perfect timing, correct?"

"Correct," I shrugged.

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