Chapter 9 || Bloody Nose Nostalgia

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"Hello, beautiful."

What the heck? Who is this moron? Why is he looking at me? Why is he twirling a stick in the air?

"I'm Harry Potter," he said, putting an arm on me.

Okay, that was it.

"Get. Off. Of. Me," I gritted my teeth.

"Beautiful, I'm afraid I can't do that. You're safe here in my arms, darling."

"What the actual f**k?!" I yelled at him, "STOP TOUCHING ME!"

"Stop touching her, Harry," Percy said in a low, dangerous tone.

I was so shocked to see how angry Percy's eyes were looking. They looked like he was going to flood the whole castle with the creek outside. "Harry" turned to him.

"Why should I? She's such a beautiful thing and she obviously wouldn't like a guy like you... so why shouldn't I take my lady?"

"Gross," a redhead was walking by, rolling her eyes, "I expected better from you, Harry."

I pushed him off of me.

"I told you to get off!"

I remembered that this was a school. I couldn't harm him because it would be inappropriate to the school rules. Besides, I was here to set an example. I didn't want kids going to the infirmary every second because they were punching each other. That's when he gave me a pout and hugged me, not before nibbling and sucking on my ear. Okay, that was enough. Before I got the chance to kick him in the groin, a very protective friend of mine pushed him off. Thalia. Her fist crackled with lightning and she punched it into Harry's face. Hard.

Harry's nose broke and blood splattered all over the floor. Percy winced slightly and I realized he was remembering his own bloody nose with Gaia. Harry fell onto his butt and professors were rushing over to find the source of the loud snap that had occurred. First to reach?


Professor McGonnagal. She was there, staring at the buzzing blood on the floor and Harry clutching his nose with a hand. Piper had also thrown a book onto his groin, so his other hand was there, holding it with all his might and trembling. Annabeth looked shocked and Professor McGonnagal was staring at us.

"W-What is the meaning of this? Explain. Mr. Jackson go on!"

"Well... uh..."

"It's my fault," Thalia spoke up, "I couldn't control myself. He was flirting and being weird with Annabeth and kinda harassing her and she wasn't doing anything, probably because she was more aware that we were in public and in front of a school. We were supposed to set a good example but I forgot that we were at school. I'm sorry. I punched him in the face."

We all stared in shock. Thalia was taking the blame? No. We couldn't let her take it herself!

"No. I did some things, too," Piper said, stepping in, "I threw my spellbook at his groin. It had a rather sharp edge. It was irresponsible of me. I will take some blame."

"And me," I added in, "I got angry first and said some pretty nasty things to him--"

"No you didn't!" Thalia cut in but I interrupted her with a look.

"Well..." Professor McGonnagal stared at us, "W-Well you'll all receive an two-page essay on the importance of temper-management... and... well... Mr. Potter. You will receive a five-page essay on why you should not be so sexually harassing. That will also result in a detention because that is very unacceptable. We told you to treat these transfer students with respect so it is actually your fault for their actions. Of course, they could've handled it more peacefully but it is still your fault! Now. Percy, go show them to their suites. I will take Mr. Potter to the hospital wing."


"That was pretty nice of you back there," Thalia said, munching on some M&Ms as we wrote our essays with quills and ink, "When you all took some blame for me."

"It was no problem. Besides... we can't leave you to do all these pages by yourself, can we?" I replied, popping a blue M&M into my mouth.

"Ah!" Piper groaned when she got more ink on her finger, "This quill thing is not working for me."

"Well, you kinda have to get used to it. They don't have pens or pencils here... let alone computers. It's all books and ink."

"Oh, great! So when I have to study for a test, I can't Google anything!"

"Yeah," I shrugged, continuing to write.

"Hey, how are you guys doing?" Annabeth walked in with a bowl of Bertie Bots, "These things are so nasty, yet so good!"

"How are they nasty?" Thalia crinkled her nose.

"They're Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bees. It can be literally any flavor. And they mean it. So some are super good like peppermint... and there's the bad ones like... vomit and dog poop."

"Woohoo!" Annabeth was dancing, "Mmm! Tutti Fruity!"

"Lemme try one," Piper put an orange one in her mouth.

"Oh gods," I winced.

She spit it out.

"Aw! GROSS! That was literally carrot-flavored!"

"Hey! My first time was eating the bird spurn flavored one," I shivered, "Terrible memories."

"Oof," Annabeth said, putting a yellow one in her mouth.

She spit it out.

"What?" I asked.

"Ew! EW EW EW EW! That was banana slug!"

She ran for the bathroom and began to wash her mouth out in the sink.

"See?" I shrugged and continued to dip my quill in ink and write on the hard parchment paper.

A knock was heard on the door.

"I'll get it," I said, walking to the door.

I saw Harry there with a bandage and a splint covering his nose.

"Thanks a lot, mate," he said to me.

"Hey," I said, "You were harassing my girlfriend. You deserved it."

I slammed the door shut before he could say anything else.

"Who was it?" Thalia looked like she already knew the answer.

"Harry Potter," I mimicked his voice and we all began to laugh.

"I am the Harry Potter... Bow before me sweet muggles!" Piper said, making the round glasses with her fingers.

"I HAVE FOUGHT WARS!" Thalia said, pointing her quill like a wand up at the sky, "I AM INVINCIBLE!"

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