Chapter 21 || It Happened

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Annabeth woke up and I waved my wand again. Her head fell back onto the pillow.

"How much longer?" I groaned.

"About two hours longer before I think they're gonna be good."

Jason suddenly walked in covered in dirt.

"I killed the bird. But I got the slip..."



"You know... just put the slip at the fountain and go get cleaned up."


The statue was complete, being hoisted up. The decorations were complete, the silver LED lights hanging from the ceiling and the sea-green tapestries hanging on the walls, food being rolled in... it was perfect. It was the ultimate engagement party. The DJ booth was ready and waiting. Nico walked in.

"Perfect!" I clapped my hands.

Thalia and Hermione walked in.

"She's asleep now, just another hour until she'll wake up and see the paper."

"Excellent! Go glam up!"

Percy walked in and everyone began to cheer. All the students had gathered in the Great Hall to celebrate, but there was an aisle Annabeth would be able to enter through.

"Almost there?" Hazel asked, grinning.

"Almost there."

Jason was ready now, his hair gelled and wearing his nice black suit.

"How's my Sparky?" I asked, kissing his forehead.

"Lightning McLean!(A/N: Is this a thing already? Or am I just a genius lol)" Leo hooted.

"Oh my gods..."



I woke up on a couch in the library with a piece of paper in front of me. I frowned and peered closely.

Hello there. To find the next riddle, you must go and fiddle, in the place Percy swims, but also with squids.

In the place where Percy swims? With squids? Squids... The creek! I rushed over there and found the squid waiting with the piece of paper in its tentacle. It set it down for me and I read it.

To reach the next stop, you must walk to the top, where water bubbles in stone, and where students may roam.

Walk to the top? Top? What? Where do students roam? Well... they roam in the halls and they also roam in the classrooms, but there's no water in there... they also roam in the courtyard... There's water in the courtyard!

I ran over there to find the clue with holes in it but floating gently in the water. I picked it up.

To see the next paper, you must enter the stranger, where you must say the right thing, before you rest your ring.

My ring? That Gucci ring? I always rest it next to me on my nightstand... which is in my suite... which is in the common room! It's the common room! I rushed over there and said the passcode before walking in and finding the next clue.

You've reached the last slip, so go to the room where food touches lip.

Where food touches lip? That's the place we eat... the Great Hall! I ran over there and opened the door. It was all dark. I frowned and walked inside. The door shut behind me and I kept going. I walked until a light flickered on and it was just Percy in the spotlight.

"Percy!" I exclaimed.

Percy grinned and pulled me in close. He suddenly knelt and I gasped.

"Annabeth... Chase. I've been thinking about this for ages and... I can't think of a better way to surprise you. There were things that went wrong, but we finally got here. You've been through thick and thin with me and you've never said no. I love you with all my heart and it will stay like that forever. If you aren't my wise girl... I'd kill myself for it. I love you so much... will you do the honors of being my wife? Annabeth Jackson."

"YES! YES YES YES YES YES!" I screamed, flinging myself at him and putting on the beautiful engagement ring.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on and I saw everyone in the whole school there, cheering and clapping. All our friends were starting at us, smiling and nodding, Nico smiling for the rare occasion. I kissed Percy. Hard. Not as a girlfriend, but as a fiancé.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Piper yelled with her pink headset on.

So that's why Thalia had been whispering weird things! Music began to blast and we all began to dance. I threw my fists up in the air and began to dance like I was alone. Percy pulled me in close and we began to sing terribly. We ran over to the food area.

"Food!" I moaned happily and grabbed some, smelling the warm aroma.

"Mmm," Percy sighed as he ate the food, "This is amazing."

"Brilliant!" Ron exclaimed next to me.

Hermione was eating her food and Ron awkwardly sat next to her. I wriggled my eyebrows and Ron took a sharp breath.

"Uh... H-H-Hermione... I... uh..."

She didn't even wait for him to finish. She grabbed his face and began to kiss it. Ron kissed back. Everyone began to cheer as they kissed. Even me. I screamed and threw my hands in the air. Percy laughed and clapped his hands. Professor Dumbledore was eating his food, dancing slowly with Professor McGonnagal, who was quite enjoying the pumpkin pie.

I kissed Percy happily, watching the ring glinting in the light.


That night, I slept in Percy's room. I took off the makeup and dress, as well as those darn shoes and slipped straight into the covers.

"I love you," I said, kissing Percy's nose.

"I love you, too," he said, pecking my cheek.


I woke up thinking it was another day. Then the events from last night all flooded back and I smiled from ear to ear. It was November 18, day #1 of being engaged to Percy.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP SEAWEED BRAIN!" I yelled and he jumped out, taking out Riptide.

"What? Where? Why--"

"You silly seaweed brain," I whacked him in the shoulder, "We're engaged!"

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he threw his fist in the air and after we took our shower, I put on a nice sundress.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he threw his fist in the air and after we took our shower, I put on a nice sundress

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I put on some twine sandals and a woven hat. Percy put on an unbuttoned polo shirt and some sweatshorts. I laughed as he pulled me onto his back for a piggy ride.


"AND MAKE THEM SO ANNOYED WITH US!" he added in as we charged around the common room.

"WE'RE ENGAGED!" I hollered.

"WE'RE SO F**KING ENGAGED!" he screamed so loud.

"Percy, keep the language appropriate!" I laughed.

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