Chapter 47 || Arrival

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It was three in the morning when I woke up to wet bedsheets. I started to think I wet myself and then I felt pulsing.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, startling Percy.



The lights flicked on in the common room.


Probably should've been quieter. Now everyone was flooding towards me. Percy and I somehow made it to the hospital wing alive and got a room for me to uh... chillax on. Madame Pomfrey was ushering her way in.

"We're going to have to change her so uh... out?"

Percy was just shoved out as they put on a hospital gown for me.

"Annabeth, you are going to be going into several hours of labor. Got it?"

I nodded and calmed down. I, of course, knew it was going to get worse eventually.


I burst in at 6 AM. It's absolutely no big deal just the day PERCABETH IS HAVING THEIR FIRST PERCABABY AND THE FIRST CHILD FROM MY BEST FRIEND. I stared. There were lots of gadgets and beeping monitors and sheets to monitor some crazy stuff that I'm too dumb to think about. I sat down near her bed.

"Listen. It's all gonna be fine. You are going to have a child. A child. This is amazing news. Remember. It's all gonna be over soon and you're going to be holding Zoë wrapped in a pink blanket. Okay? Okay."

She laughed.

"You seem like a mom."

"Hello?!" I gasped.

This just made her laugh even harder.

"Well, see you later!"


"You're five hours in, okay? It's 8:00 AM."


"How's my Wise Girl?" Percy walked in, "They had blue waffles shaped like baby bottles! In honor of you!"

"Aw," I smiled, "I feel so loved."

"Good luck," he kissed me on the cheek.

I took out my laptop.

"The clothes have arrived, the furniture, too. Piper's designing it right now and I'm so happy!"


I feel stressed right now. My job is to capture the moment when Annabeth and Percy meet baby Zoë. So if I screw up... I WILL BE THE WORST FRIEND IN THE WORLD.


"How are we doing on lights?" I called up to Jason, who was busy screwing in LED lights into the ceiling.

"Good! They're white!"

"Woohoo!" I cheered and put together the white crib.

"Where's the mattress?" I called to Leo, who was pouring small baby snacks into glass jars to put on display on her dresser.

"Uh... I think it's still in the box."

"Okay," I nodded and grabbed it, rolling it out and watching it rise slowly.

I grabbed the mattress cover and her baby blanket and toy.

"I need the mobile."

"Got it," Hazel handed it to me.

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