Chapter 57 || When A Baby Comes During Your Meeting

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"Alright!" I clapped my hands together.

"Congratulations on your baby!" Lavender piped up.

"Lavender, just because you congratulate him on our baby doesn't mean he'll marry you instead," Annabeth glared at Lavender.

"Okay," I waved off the girls while Annabeth gently suckled Sam while Zoë clung to her leg.

"I have a feeling Carly and Sam will be the best of friends."

(A/N: By the way, if you haven't seen the show iCarly yet, GO WATCH IT PEOPLE IT'S SO GOOD! YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY I NAMED THESE BABIES!)

"Yep. Me, too."

"Back to RDS..." Thalia cleared her throat.

"Now," I continued, "While you're all so busy distracted by babies, maybe you would all like to--"


"What? WHAT?!" Jason screamed.


"AHHHHHHHHH!" Hazel screamed.


"Just get Madame Pomfrey," I sighed, "Now anyways--"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" the whole class freaked out.

"You know, let's just reschedule the meeting until we've got another baby delivered! JUST LIKE WE DID LAST WEEK BECAUSE WE HAVE A TENDENCY TO HAVE PEOPLE BORN ON THURSDAYS!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" the rest of the class flooded out.


"Alright, Piper," I said as she was settled down onto the bed.

"Miss, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave--"

"You never ask me to leave... I'M AN EXPERIENCED MOTHER SHE NEEDS MY GUIDANCE!" I screamed.

"O-Oh okay! SORRY!" the nurse hurried away.

"Piper, I've got your giant pillow, your strawberry gummies, your Korean drama CD's, Your fluffy blanket, your cotton-candy flavored milk cocktail, some peppermints to help soothe the pain and--"

"Shouldn't Jason be the one giving me all these things?" Piper furrowed her brows.

"I think so, but he's outside passing out every five minutes."

"Oh... alright."

Piper sucked on the peppermint and began to scream.


"I just swallowed it whole! WILL IT AFFECT CARLY?!"


"W-Who are you?" a nurse came up.

"Beat it, mortal," Aphrodite glared.

"O-Oh, right away, miss."

Aphrodite in = Annabeth Jackson out.

I ran out of there and joined Percy, who was busy playing with Zoë and rocking Sam's baby bed using his foot.

"Look at you, multi-tasking father of two," I kissed his cheek.


"Aw," Percy kissed my cheek.

Zoë curiously peered over, staring at Sam.

"Aw," I pouted, "She's been staring at Sam over and over for the past five hours..."

"I just realized..." Percy frowned.


"I haven't done any homework this year. I'm gonna get a T."

"They wouldn't do that to us. You'll get an A."

"Acceptable. You'll get an O."

"Outstanding," I smirked.


"Aw," Percy frowned, "Hope she's okay. She's screaming louder than you did when you--"


"Ahhhhhh," Sam laughed at the sound of Piper's wailing.

"Man," I shook my head, "We've gotta get Clarisse. She's gonna love Sam."

Piper screamed again and this time, Zoë burst into tears while Sam laughed and clapped together her hands.

"Well, she likes screaming," I noted.

The screaming stopped and Zoë laughed while Sam began to wail. Or maybe that was Piper's baby. I didn't know, but Sam was definitely unhappy that the screaming had stopped. I walked inside to see Piper with a small bundle.

"Aw," I smiled when I saw it, "This is Carly?"

"Aw..." Jason kissed the soft skin of his newborn baby.

"Carly Grace. It's a pretty name," I smiled.

"We're all having girls!" Leo was complaining outside, "WHY CAN'T WE GET A BOY BABY?!"

"Go get your own boy baby with your Sunshine on Ogygia!" Thalia exclaimed, whacking him in the face with a large corndog.

"AH!" Leo yelled and faint giggling told me that Sam was enjoying the show.

"Everyone meet Carly!" Piper and Carly were wheeled out and Carly was surrounded by people.

"Sam," I picked Sam up, "Do you wanna meet your new best friend?"

Sam stared at me, confused, before I set her down in the tray. Sam stared at the newborn baby and stared at me again. The look in her eyes said Another one? Really?.

"My baby Carly," Aphrodite snuggled with Carly while Piper stared at Sam's face.

"Sam's not a fan of Mom," Piper shrugged.

Aphrodite peered down at Sam.

"She's rather pretty," she set Carly down, "Samantha's rather pretty--ow!"

Sam had slapped Aphrodite.

"She likes to be called Sam," I winced.

"O-Oh, sorry," Aphrodite brushed her dress, "Sam's rather pretty."

Sam nodded her head slightly in approval and laid down next to Carly. Carly had a small clump of brown hair and for some reason, chocolate brown eyes.

"Why does she have brown eyes?" Percy frowned.

"Well, because, there's a study in genetics where you can have a carrying gene because Piper's dad's eyes are brown, which can be passed on to--"

"We get it, Annabeth," Leo rolled his eyes.

"What did you just do?" I glared.

"Nothing!" Leo piped up and ran to Carly's side.

Carly was busy fingering the single curl on Sam's head, curiously watching it bounce.

"I'm catching this on video," Percy laughed before pulling out his camera.

Sam was now staring at the bottle they had given Carly. The nurse's special "cotton candy milk" that babies were allowed to drink. Sam frowned and snatched it right out of Carly's hands before pushing her to the side. Carly gave a little 'humph' and snatched it right out of Sam's hands, pushing Sam aside. Sam gave her a little nod of approval and Carly began to suckle, casually squirting some into Sam's open mouth.

"Aw," Piper smiled, "It's like you and Clarisse, Annabeth."

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