Chapter 50 || Percababy #2?! Jiperbaby #1?!

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I woke up feeling moist and sticky. Probably from sweat. I saw Percy on top of me sprawled out like he had just thrown himself onto the bed. I slowly slid out from under him and immediately felt the cold hit my skin and realized that I needed clothes. Well, the world was spinning, so I just ran and threw myself into a warm bathtub. The events from last night flooded into my mind. The fire whiskey... shots... getting into bed... oh shit.

I shot right up like a nail and threw a towel over me before putting on a bathrobe and running out of the hotel room and to the bartender lady.

"Hey, do you know where I can find pregnancy tests?"

"Here. I have one at the bar. We sell them here."

I thanked her and ran back into my hotel room, where I anxiously slipped back into the bathroom.


I woke up to hear Annabeth.

"Percy! Percy wake up right now!"

I jolted awake and groaned at the huge migraine I had. I suddenly felt sick to the stomach and threw up into a waiting trash can. The taste of bile was in my mouth.

"What the--we got drunk... oh my gods Annabeth! We got drunk!"

"There's other news," Annabeth took out a pregnancy test.

Two. Lines.

"Oh my gods you're pregnant! Again!"

"And it's only November!"

"Well... it's okay... having a new child isn't always bad but right after we just had one?" I gasped, "During a war?"

"It's okay," Annabeth sighed, "It's all gonna be okay."

"Guys," Piper burst in.

She spotted the pregnancy test.

"I guess... you got the same news as we did."

"You're pregnant, too?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my gods," Jason fainted.

"Shit..." Piper breathed heavily.

"According to Healthline... I think you can give birth at 23 weeks. That's the earliest... It'll be February by then. Hopefully Voldemort doesn't attack then."

"So we're just gonna let them be like... what? Six months?"

"My mom had me at six months," I raised my hand.

"Well then," Annabeth sighed, "I guess they'll just have to be extremely premature."

"That's dangerous, though," Piper insisted.

"It's our only option. War or children that will die if we wait any longer?"

"Ugh!" Piper threw her face against the waiting pillow on the wall that Jason had put there, "Why?!"

"It's okay. It's all gonna be okay."


"Sorry," Draco said, "I just wanted to have some fun."

"And now they're pregnant!" Hermione glared.

"It's okay!" I calmed them both down, "There's nothing we can do now. If we're pregnant it's okay. We can still give birth in February or something. It's all gonna be okay, okay?"

"But that's dangerous!" Hermione insisted.

"It's the only option," Nico sighed, "If we lose the war they'll have nowhere to go. And they'll seriously just be out in the open for Voldemort to use to his will."

We were now at the school and filling Harry in on everything.

"Wow..." he stared at us, "Well... congratulations in a way... but are you sure you can give birth that early?"

"Healthline said 23 weeks. Risky, but the only option we have. It'll be better because we have magic to help us."

"But magic can only do so much," Hermione sighed, "If I lost my friends because of a stupid mistake at the bar, I'll be seriously regretting ever going there."

"We'll be fine."

"This is why you only drink butterbeer," Hazel sighed.


I walked in to see Zoë walking around a cauldron with a wooden spoon while throwing items in.

"Your daughter is a natural at potions," Snape didn't even look at me while I walked in.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear it? Everyone's talking about it. I wouldn't be too scared. After all, there is a potion I've started brewing to help you. It takes about four months but after you drink it, you'll be fine and your baby will automatically grow to the size of an eight-month baby. I'll give it to you but you'll be extremely uncomfortable in the process."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course. I needed to use up those last bits of stores anyways. They were aging to a point where if I waited any longer I couldn't use them."

I picked up Zoë and bid farewell before walking out of the classroom and into the suite. 

"Well?" Percy stared at me, "What'd he say?"

"He's brewing a potion for me and Piper. If we drink it, the baby will grow to the size of an 8-month baby and we can give birth safely."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner," I launched myself onto the bed.

"Same," Percy laughed.

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