Chapter 46 || Quidditch Game #1

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"They're having Quidditch? In September?" Hazel asked as she walked over to the bleachers.

"Madame Hooch made the dates earlier. She thought it'd be better."

I felt a rough kick and the plastic bowl of popcorn went flying off the side of the bleachers and onto the playing field.

"Whoa," I patted my stomach.

"One more month!" Hermione squealed, "THEN WE GET A PERCABABY!"

"Not so loud!" I hissed.

Percababy. Wonderful name.

"It's starting!" Leo ate some skittles.

"Are those..."


Percy zoomed out on his broom and grinned over at the crowd.

"First game of the season! Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"

The crowd erupted into cheers. Percy flew up, starting to look around the whole court. Madame Hooch let go of the Quaffle and the game began.


When you have a wife expecting a baby in one month it's really hard to 1, concentrate because your head is filled with thoughts about babies, 2, sleep because she's always obsessively showing you baby clothes and baby nursery ideas, 3, relax because you're worried she's gonna die during birth or that she's gonna have some malfunction and you'll lose your baby again, 4, not puke because pregnancy cravings are weird.


And I didn't pay attention. Screw it. I looked around, trying to find the golden snitch. I ducked as a bludger nearly hit me in the face.

"Oops!" Fred yelled and hit his bat over my head and knocked another one out.

"Oof," I winced when I saw the Slytherin fall to the floor hard.

"Oh well. Madame Pomfrey will patch him all up," George shrugged and hit another bludger that was coming towards Angelina.

I suddenly spotted it. The golden snitch! Guess someone else was looking, too. I saw the Slytherin reach out and touch the golden snitch. No! For some reason--and I knew I was cheating--I controlled his water molecules to freeze to leave at least two second's time for the snitch to wriggle away. Hey. Two seconds. Not that bad. No one would notice. The snitch flitted another inch away from the seeker's hand where I waited for the seeker to chase it up so I could grab it.

I glanced down and saw Harry throw it into the hoop.

"Gryffindor scores! Ten points!"

I saw the seeker coming and I dove. Well, a little too hard because I knocked him off his broom. He and his broom went hurtling down. Not too high, of course. He just got bruised a bit. It was now me versus the snitch. I dove around, spun, and frowned. The snitch was leading somewhere out of the field... It was twitching a bunch, as well. Suddenly, another golden ball appeared next to me. What the... two snitches?!

I looked between both of them. What the--both headed off in different directions, circling the court. What was going on?! I followed one, only to have it flit up and out of the court again. What? I followed the other one and saw the other golden snitch bat it away and make me follow it. What the heck was going on?! I dove again, following it and frowned, scanning the sidelines to see if it was just me imagining it.

Gryffindors looked clueless. Slytherins... mostly looked clueless. Suddenly, I saw it. A kid. A seventh year had a remote control and was sneakily tapping it behind his back. I rolled my eyes and dove straight into the sidelines. The students all screamed.


"Gimme that remote!" I yelled and snatched it out of his hands, motioning for the snitch to come on over.


I held the remote up to see along with the fake snitch.

"TIME OUT!" Madame Hooch blew her whistle and the snitch flew straight into her hands.

"Who does the remote belong to?" she yelled, swooping over.

The Slytherin tried to flee but Nico appeared from the shadows and grabbed his shirt.

"Not so fast, kid."

"What is your name?" Madame Hooch narrowed her eyes.

"Quintus. Quintus Williams."


"Slytherin," I motioned to his robes.

"Enough of that, Jackson."


"What is this?"

"A fake snitch," he mumbled.

"Why is it that you have a fake snitch?"

"I was trying... I was..."

"No lying. I can give you some veritaserum to loosen your tongue if necessary."

"I was trying to lead Jackson off course with the fake snitch so our seeker could get the real one."

Madame Hooch glared.

"Did he catch it?!" she screamed.

"No, ma'am. He's on the floor."

"Well," Madame Hooch narrowed her eyes, "Since it is a fraud act, Gryffindor receives fifty automatic points and the game will continue. With the real snitch. As for you, Mr. Williams, detention. For the rest of the week. In my office."

I flew back onto the court and the game continued. I looked for the snitch and ducked as the Quaffle soared above me and to Katie, who passed it to Alicia, who passed it to Harry, who scored.

"Ten points to Gryffindor! 60 to 20!"

Gryffindors all cheered. Suddenly, I saw it. The Slytherin seeker was moving towards it. So I did the natural thing. Rammed right into him. He spun on his broom, almost tipping over while I reached out, barely catching the snitch. Well, I didn't because he pushed me and we both went tumbling down onto the floor where I felt something... odd in my pants.


"What's going on?" I wondered aloud when Madame Hooch blew the whistle and tore the Slytherin seeker off of Percy.

Percy was squirming uncomfortably as Madame Hooch made him stand up. Well, he kept shifting from one leg to the other until he began to squirm in his shirt.

"Take it off," Madame Hooch demanded.

"Oh gods," Piper winced.

Percy reached a hand into his shirt and pulled it off. Well, that got all the girls looking. And the guys. I glared at them all and they backed away. Well, some. Others just couldn't help it. He almost dropped it, but there it was. The Golden Snitch. Covered in boy sweat.


I cheered and Piper held up her banner while Neville threw gold and red confetti in the air. The Weasley brothers threw fireworks in the sky. I saw the Slytherin glaring at Percy.

"Ginny," I whispered, "Who is that? He looks awful."

"Quintus? Oh, yeah. He is awful. Had him as a potion's partner. Not fun. He's one of the pure-blood maniacs."

"Oh, like those people who hate muggles and half-bloods?"

"Yep. Not a fan of you. Especially not Percy. Thinks Percy's a show off or that Percy's faking all his kindness and humbleness."

"That's insane!"

"He's just jealous," Ginny shrugged, "I wouldn't worry about him. He always talked the talk rather than walking the walk."

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