Chapter 6 || The Weasley Twins

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PERCY JACKSON (yes, I'm using his POV a lot sorry)

I was walking down the hall when I saw two red-heads dragging something... that looked like air. Well, you couldn't see it. But they were dragging something and I could see some flickering of objects underneath. I shrugged and went over to help them.

"Hi," I said, "Do you need a hand?"

"Very," both of them said at the same time.

I noticed they were staring at me.

"How'd you know about the invisibility cloak?" they asked at the same time.

"Well... I could see the bottom of it flickering and there has to be an explanation as to why people are bonking into thin air," I pointed to a first year who rammed straight into the box.

"Oopsies," they echoed.

"What's your name?" one asked me.

I was about to say "Percy" but I withdrew.

"I'm Annabeth."

They stared at me, blinking, before nodding. Then the other one asked me, "Isn't that a girl's name?"

"My mother had a thing with calling us girls. Just call me... Nabeth."

"Weird name break," one said.

"Brilliant!" they said at the same time, "Give your mum a pat on the back for that one."

"Say..." they looked at me, "Why are you American? Shouldn't you be in New York or something?"

"New York..." one sighed dreamily, "I wish I could go there sometime."

"Hold on what's your name?" I looked at both of them.

They looked at each other before replying, "I'm Fred and this is George."

"I'm guessing it's the other way around."

"Aw dammit! I thought we could trick him!"

"To be fair, I tricked you. My name's not Annabeth. It's Percy. Annabeth's my girlfriend."

"Oh..." George said, "That makes a lot more sense. I was starting to want to meet your mum."

Suddenly, one of the ghosts floated down.

"Quidditch tryouts tomorrow! Gryffindors! We need to win!"

"Hello Sir Nicholas," they said at the same time.

"And who are you?" the ghost peered down at me, "I've never seen you walking around these halls before."

"Uh... I'm Percy."

"Not Annabeth," the twins snickered and the ghost turned to face them.

"What mother calls their son a pretty lady-like name like Annabeth? Especially one looking like that?"

The ghost began to examine my face and my teeth.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said as he passed through me a hundred times, "You're uh... kinda..."

"Dead?" the ghost reared backwards, "I know! Stop reminding me--"

"No... when you go through me I just feel cold."

"Oh," the ghost grinned, "You'll get used to it. By the way... your crotch is rather pleasant--"

"Sir Nicholas!" the twins interrupted him, "We're in public and he's kinda got a situation with all the girls chasing him."

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