Chapter 14 || Hogsmede

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"EEEEEEEEE! IT'S TIME FOR HOGSMEDE!" Hermione threw her fist up in the air.

"What's Hogsmede?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Only one of the best times of the year!" she exclaimed, "There's cool buildings and candy--"

"CANDY!" Leo screamed from his suite.

"Well," I said, "It explains why I had to sign weird papers."

"Field trip papers."

"We can't exactly go up to our parents for that, you know?"

"Yeah... but still," Hermione shrugged, "It's all alright. The professors all know. Last time, Harry tried to sneak in with his invisibility cloak because his uncle and aunt wouldn't sign his form. Got in big trouble for that."

"Harry Potter," I recalled, "Him."

"Yeah. He wasn't always a cocky dick," she said, "He used to be my friend."

"Noticed that," I nodded, putting on my sneakers.

"We've got to go," she said, "Or we'll be late. Trust me, it's super fun."

We walked out of there and got in line.

"Forms are to be shown to Professor McGonnagal! Any cheated signatures will be detected by magic, so you best not lie to us."

"How much longer?!" Leo whined.

"Leo, we're seriously five minutes away."

"Five minutes is a long time! People can take all the candy!"

"Leo you can wait."

"BUT I WANT--mmph!" Annabeth clamped a hand over his mouth.

"We're here, unless you don't want to go in."


We all entered and marveled the sight.

We all entered and marveled the sight

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"Whoa..." I breathed.

"Told you," Hermione said, "Come on!"

We all raced towards the village. First thing I did? Raid the candy store. I burst in and the candy lady looked up abruptly.

"W-What can I get for--"

"CANDYYYYYY!" Leo burst in after me, followed by Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Jason, as well as Thalia and Nico.

Annabeth just stood there, watching, rolling her eyes but sneakily putting some candies in her bag.

"GO HONEYDUKES!" Jason showered himself in licorice wands.

Draco was watching next to Hermione and Annabeth.

"Careful," he said as Leo picked up a lollipop, "Those are acid pops. Could burn a hole straight through your tongue. Lick slowly."

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