Chapter 31 || The Two of Them

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I seriously have no idea what's wrong with him. Like seriously Percy! I sat down on the side of the hallway, staring at the stone floor. I thought about Percy. My lovely seaweed brain. How could he say something like that about someone who was so nice? So good to us? Jacob was new, true, but he didn't do anything wrong. Kylie and her friends were walking by.

"Annabeth Chase?" Lisa Campbell gasped aloud.

"OMG!" Harper squealed.

"What are you doing out here alone?" Kylie furrowed her brows.

"Oh... you know," I muttered, "Couple issues."

"Aw," Kylie sat down next to me, "Sometimes, I like to think everything's glitter. And the bad things, no matter how dirty or dull, can't shine brighter than glitter."

"Glitter," I chuckled, "You really have the mind of a fourth-grader, don't you?"

"Always will," Lisa added, "She's never been a real adult."


"To be fair, we are like... fifteen."

"Oh come on!" Harper groaned, "You don't need to make it obvious!"

They left and I chuckled. I couldn't wait to have a child and see them grow into such beautiful youngsters. I thought about how the baby would look. Imagined seeing Percy's dark messy hair and my gray eyes, or my blonde curls and his beautiful sea-green eyes. I felt a strange pang in my heart and I ran towards the Gryffindor common room, only to find it dark. I frowned, turning on the lights and going into Percy's suite to find my ring. I found it, slipping it on and smiling.

"Percy?!" I yelled, "Are you there?!"

I saw everyone frozen right where they were.

"What the--" I felt like someone was watching me.

I turned to see Jacob smiling devilishly.

"Jacob? What is going--"

"Night night, princess."

He whacked me across the head with an object I couldn't see and everything went dark. The last thing I saw was Percy tackling Jacob to the floor as other shadowy figures came and Percy was covered in blackness. Or maybe that was just me leaving the world.


I woke up, cold and shivering.

"Oh, look who's awake," I saw familiar brown eyes.

I suddenly remembered what had happened and tried to move but my arms stayed firmly planted at my side. I looked to see that I was tied up in ropes. I looked around to see that Percy was chained to the wall, head hanging low, blood slowly dripping.

"What did you do?!" I yelled at him.

"You've been asleep for three days now, Annabeth. A lot can happen in the span of that."

"Wise Girl?" I heard him call, "Are you there?"

"Percy what did they do--"

"Wise Girl? That's a lovely name. Why don't I start calling you that? I can untie you immediately, you can become my bride, and we can kill this hot mess together."

"Don't you ever call him a hot mess," I growled, "I thought you were our friend!"

"Oh, and Percy tried to warn you. But who ever believes a seaweed brain?"

"How did you--"

"Such a beautiful thing... life..." Jacob flipped up my robes to examine my pregnant stomach.

"Don't you dare," Percy narrowed his eyes, "You can do what you want with me but you never put a hand on my fiancé."

"Soon to be my fiancé."

"No," I hissed, "Never."

He took out a bottle.

"This is a rare love potion. Only one exists in the whole world. One drop will make you love me forever."

He started to put it towards my mouth.

"MMMMMM!" I pressed my lips as tight as I could, "MMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMM!"

"Open up, sweetie."



"Where the heck are they?" Jason groaned.

"We were all knocked out for a moment, remember?"

"Well... why were we still in the same position, standing, as we were?"

"Someone froze us most likely."

"So weird," Hazel shook her head.

"Detective Mcshizzle Valdez in the houuuuuuuse!" he hooted.

"Not the time, Leo."

"So it's true?" Hermione sighed, "Percy and Annabeth are missing?"

"It's true," Frank sighed, "We've examined the whole school. Even asked the paintings and ghosts to look for any sign of them. But no. None."

"What's Gryffindor gonna do for Quidditch?!" Ron panicked.

"You're worried about that? Not worried about if they're dead or not?" Hermione whacked him over the head.

"Sorry! Bloody hell, Hermione! Nobody thinks that dark!"

"They deserve to know the truth," I finally decided, "It's time. Without Percy and Annabeth it's crucial they know. It's started."

"What's started?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows.

"Call everyone into the Great Hall. Now. I'll go get Professor Dumbledore," Jason said and he walked out.

"Careful, Sparky, okay?!" I called.

"Careful? Why do we have to be careful?"


We all rushed over and I saw Professor Dumbledore talking to Jason.

"Are you sure?" I could hear him whisper, "Are you sure it's the right time?"

"With our two strongest leaders gone? It's the House of Hades all over again," Hazel sighed, "We can't hold it in any longer."

All the students were whispering.

"Draco!" I called.

He jogged over.


"We're revealing."

"No you aren't."

"It's the only way," I hissed, "Percy and Annabeth are missing. Without our leaders we're pretty much nothing for our secret! It'll only harm us and them in the war and it's time already to start preparing for battle. They've been kidnapped most likely and that just marks the start of the war."

"But how are we supposed to do it without being so sudden and weird?"

"Well... I don't know. We don't have the mastermind Annabeth here," Thalia's voice cracked.

"So are we supposed to joke it in?" Draco scoffed.

"We don't have our joke expert Percy either. I don't know,"  I sighed.

"Hey! I can crack good jokes, too!" Leo pouted.

"Yes, Leo... Yeah, Leo..." Nico nodded quietly.

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