Chapter 16 || Scariest Halloween Of the Century

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I adjusted my bandages. Just another week and I wouldn't have to wear them. Annabeth was busy decorating the suites with cobwebs and spiders and cool glittery pumpkins. I put on my wizarding robes because the costumes didn't deliver to "abandoned areas". I had forgotten they couldn't see Hogwarts. Annabeth opened the door and Ron saw us.

"What's that?" he pointed to the plastic spiders, "W-W-What's that?"

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's what?"

"T-Those spiders!"

"Oh, they're not real," I assured him, touching one, "These are Halloween decorations."

"You decorate for Halloween?" he stared in awe.

"You don't? Oh, man, you're missing out!" I shook my head.

"Percy, don't make him feel bad," Annabeth kissed me on the cheek.

She left inside to go take her shower. I chuckled and when I was sure she was gone, I took out the box. Her late birthday present. Well... very late birthday present. Because I felt like such a shithead.

 Because I felt like such a shithead

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And... that wasn't the only ring she'd have this year. I pulled out my laptop and checked the order. For her engagement ring. I had talked to Hermione and she suggested sending my owl over to her house, where I could have the item shipped, and then the owl could take it to Hogwarts for me.

 I had talked to Hermione and she suggested sending my owl over to her house, where I could have the item shipped, and then the owl could take it to Hogwarts for me

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I wasn't planning on proposing on Halloween. Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. I was planning it out now. I was definitely proposing in the library. I was going to set up a bunch of sea-green roses and a bunch of gray-silver lights. It was going to be a scavenger hunt, of course, because I needed to annoy the shit out of her first.

"Percy? Can you hand me a towel? I think the house elves forgot to change the dry ones with the old ones!"

"Oh, okay! Coming!"

I closed the computer and hid it under the bed, walking into the bathroom to hand her a towel.


We were all gathered in the Great Hall, eating candy and food. Pumpkins floated in the sky and it was amazing. Leo spit a Bertie Bott out.

"Ew! I got dirty socks!"

Annabeth laughed and Leo threw a green one into her mouth.

"Oh god..." I cringed.

"Is this..." she chewed, "Is this... OH MY GODS! This is sugar snap pea flavored!"

She began to dance.

"Uh..." Leo stared at her, "Isn't that a bad thing?"

"I love sugar snap peas!" she exclaimed, swallowing.

"Okie dokie," I laughed.

Annabeth was busy making sure her new ring didn't get any candy on it. I licked a lollipop, savoring the yummy flavor.

"I can't believe you're eating acid right now," Nico snickered, "Acid. It's cool! Back home, if we took out any acid our parents would blast us out of the sky!"

"How would they blast you out of the sky?" Fred asked.

"They can't fly!" George added.

"You just never know," I shook my head.

A house elf came running in, panting.

"Dobby!" Hermione gasped, "Dobby, what are you doing--"

"Professor Dumbledore, sir!" he yelled, "Professor Dumbledore!"

Professor Dumbledore, who was busy trying to eat his cauldron cake, looked up and over and Dobby.


The whole room went silent as Dobby hopped up on Dumbledore's armrest and whispered into his ear. Dumbledore's eyes went wide and he stood up so suddenly, the whole table shook.

"Every student is to report to their dormitories immediately. Do not move."

There was a big boom and the chandeliers began to rattle. Every student began to scream like banshees. The first years were clinging to the tables, and one was even crying.

"SILENCE! GO NOW!" Dumbledore yelled.

They all shut up and ran like headless chickens out of the Great Hall, Ron sneaking a couple pumpkin pasties as he ran out the door.

"What happened?" I asked Dumbledore when all the students were out.

"It's the murderer. Whoever the attacker of the muggle was, he's in the walls with his gang."

"Oh shit," Leo said aloud.

"Language!" Hazel hissed.

"I could care less right now," Leo rolled his eyes.

"I want you guys to return to the common rooms. No one is to be out. Even us."

We all nodded and I mist traveled everyone into my suite. Guess who was waiting outside? Ronald Weasley. We opened the door and he gasped.

"Y-Y-You--How... How did you apparate?"

"We used a time turner," Hermione said and slammed the door.

"We've gotta be more careful," Frank said.

"If you think he's in the walls... won't he be able to apparate?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe... oh shit. Maybe he can..."

"So all we're doing is sitting in the common room all together, hoping a gang of murderers aren't gonna hop in and kill us all?" I asked stupidly.

"That's exactly what we're doing," Annabeth sighed.


We all sat around the fireplace. It was quiet, as all we were hearing was the rattling of the walls and the shaking of the chandeliers. We all tried to stay silent. After all, the common rooms had paintings as doors, and no one knew which painting led to each one. Occasionally, there'd be a bang and a student would let out a frightened squeak. But we were just sitting there, squished, with no air conditioning or heater. They had closed and locked the vents in case the murderer was to sneak in that way. The windows had been shut tightly with metal screens to keep the glass from shattering.

This was real.

"You know, I could scare it away--" Harry began but suddenly the lights flickered out and everyone began to scream.

Who was the loudest? Harry Potter.

"Just stay calm..." I began but no one listened.

This was getting on my nerves.



"Language..." Thalia trailed off.

"Oh shi--"

"Sh!" Annabeth clamped a hand over my mouth.

Everyone was silent now. We had to spend the rest of the night in the dark, waiting for someone to come out suddenly and slit our throats.

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