Chapter 54 || Couples Fight

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I put a yellow puffer jacket on Zoë, matching it with yellow puffy pants and a yellow sweater and some yellow shoes with yellow sunglasses.

"You look like the sun," I giggled, "but you are my sunshine."

Zoë giggled at that and I saw Percy sticking a peppermint toad into his mouth.

"Percy!" I snatched it away from him.


"Don't eat that! It's a bad example!"

"She's already had like... four lemon sherbets," Percy shrugged, "It doesn't really matter."

I gasped and almost dropped Zoë. Zoë smacked her lips together, meaning she wanted baby formula. I put her down next to a bunch of wooden blocks and toys.

"Here, play for a little bit, sweetie."

I closed the door and glared at him.

"Are you out of your mind?! She's just an infant! Just almost two months old, mind you! Just growing teeth! And you're allowing her to eat hard candy?!"

"Well there's not much danger in that! I told her not to bite it and I control her water molecu--"

"You're such an idiot!" I whacked him in the face.

"Oh, so I'm always gonna be the idiot parent!" Percy snapped back.

"Yeah! You are!"

"Well I was right before sometimes! You can't expect everyone to follow your ridiculously strict rules!"

"Well I can, kinda! I'm her mother!"

"And you wouldn't be her mother without me!" Percy retorted, "I'm her dad!"

"Well, I'm the better parent, so shut up and let me do my thing!"

"Well your 'thing' doesn't let me do anything!"

"That's exactly the point," I stared at him, "And if you think that being a father is more important than being a mother, than go off and spurn with some other lady! It'll make her life harder but your life will be much easier because all men do is go out and make ladies pregnant!"

A long silence.

"You know what? It's Christmas Break. Why don't you try and parent her without me? See what it's like. And you're right. Maybe I should go get some other lady pregnant. At least she wouldn't forbid me from hanging out with my own daughter or letting her try new things."

With that, he slammed the door behind him and walked straight out of the door. I rolled my eyes, scoffing, and opening the door to the nursery to find Zoë happily playing with her blocks, unaware of what evil things her parents had just said to each other. I lifted her up in my arms to find her tongue stained yellow from the candy.

"We...mon... Er... be...(she's trying to say lemon sherbet)."

"Lemon sherbet," I nodded, "Good job, Zo."


"Have a nice Christmas Break!" Percy yelled over his shoulder, walking out of the Gryffindor common room.

"What the--" Thalia started but realized that he was taking a blue suitcase with him.

"WAIT HE'S LEAVING?!" Nico exclaimed.


Hazel rolled her eyes.

"What about Annabeth? Oh, aren't they just gonna go on their honeymoon or something?"

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