Chapter 22 || Quidditch Game #1

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"It's starting..." Thalia began to munch on her pumpkin pasty.

"Oh gods," Nico sighed.

Music began to play and the Slytherins swooped out. More music and the Gryffindors flew out. I saw Percy, his hair being blown back by the wind.

"Welcome to Quidditch! First game of the season! I'm Lee Jordan, your announcer for today's game! Today's match is Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"


"GO GRYFFINDOR!" Thalia yelled, waving her red and gold banners in the sky.

"GO GO GO!" Hagrid yelled.

I spotted Harry in the chaser line, glaring up at Percy. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the game.

"The bludgers erupt, followed by the golden snitch! Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points! Whoever catches it wins the game! Madame Hooch releases the Quaffle... AND THE GAME BEGINS!"

The chasers swooped in. Ron stood watch. A Slytherin chaser grabbed the Quaffle from Angelina, kicking her hard to the side. Hazel jumped a bit.

"This game is rough..."

"Rough?" Hermione chuckled, "It's brutal."

The Quaffle was thrown and Ron caught it in his hand, throwing it over to Katie, who was ready, swooping down and throwing it to Alicia. Alicia grabbed it before a Slytherin could, ducking as a bludger almost hit her. It barreled into the Slytherin, who toppled off of his broom.

"Oof," Hermione winced, "That'll leave a concussion."

Alicia dove and threw her Quaffle towards Angelina, who barely made it into the hoop.

"Gryffindor scores! Ten points!"

Angelina high-fived George and zigzagged. I watched Percy. He was just keeping watch, scanning over the whole arena. Harry? Harry was busy staring up at Percy, glaring. Why can't he just be a chaser like they asked?! Suddenly, there was a glint of golden light and I saw it. The Golden Snitch. I made eye contact with Percy and looked over at the snitch, ready and waiting for Percy. Percy dove and the chase began. A ding sounded.

"Ten points to Slytherin!"

I saw the Slytherins throwing their fists up in the air. I saw Percy fighting and battling aggressively with the Slytherin seeker. They were shoving each other and attempting to reach the snitch. Percy did a cool spin move with his broom, whacking the Slytherin in the face and getting the upper hand with the snitch.

"HARRY!" Angelina screamed, glaring at him, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

Their plan had failed due to a very focused member of their team. Angelina groaned when she saw the Slytherins make it into their hoop.

"Ten points to Slytherin! Twenty to ten!"

Katie chucked it in and they scored.

"Twenty to twenty!"

Fred and George were beating the bludgers, knocking them at the Slytherins as they tried to bat the Gryffindors. Percy was zipping high in the sky. He suddenly dove almost vertically after the snitch. Harry suddenly began to chase the snitch.

"What is Harry doing?" Hermione stared.

"I guess he wants to be the seeker again," I said.

Harry shoved at Percy and Percy stared at him with a "what the heck" look on his face. The snitch wriggled away from Harry's hand.

"Looks like Potter wants to regain his position!" Lee yelled, "THAT'S NOT GOOD FOR US GRYFFINDORS HARRY STOP--oh, right, I'm the game announcer... ahem... Slytherin scores! Thirty to twenty!"

"Let go!" Percy grunted, "It'll only make the Slytherins better!"

"I don't care!"

"WELL WHY DID YOU SIGN UP FOR THE QUIDDITCH TEAM THEN IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO WIN?!" Percy yelled, diving in an attempt to lose Harry.


I saw the Slytherin seeker reach out his hand, touching the snitch.

"F**K!" Percy yelled, flying up.

The snitch luckily didn't reach the Slytherin's hand. I turned back to the game. Ron was busy trying not to get hit by a bludger. He grabbed the Quaffle and threw it to Angelina. Suddenly, a bludger came out of nowhere and hit the Slytherin seeker in the head.

"Oof," Hermione winced, "That must be painful."

"You're telling me," I winced.

"GO! GO! GO!" Hagrid screamed.

Alicia scored into the hoop.


Andrew threw the Quaffle in.


"RUN--oops--FLY!" Thalia screamed.

I waved my banners as high as they could go.

"GOOOOOOOO!" I yelled.

I saw the battle between the snitch and the seeker, Percy. The Slytherin was back in the game, barely conscious but holding on. Percy was just inches away from the snitch's golden wings. Ron was starting to lose a few strike.




Everyone was fighting aggressively. Katie was hit by a bludger in her side and she was on the floor, clenching her teeth and squinting her eyes shut. The Slytherins were gaining. And I saw Percy grab the snitch just as Harry barreled into him from above. Both of them went crashing down and smashed hard on the floor. 

"Oof," Jason winced.

"Let's go," I said, grabbing Piper's arm.

We ran down there and Madame Hooch blew her whistle. The game came to a pause. Madame Hooch came over to pry the two boys apart. Percy was spitting out dirt in his mouth, coughing and throwing it up. His face was covered in it. 

"You good?" I asked.

I put my hand in his hair, which was really messy, and tried to shake the dirt out of it. Suddenly, a ball fell out of it, right into Percy's hand. Golden and glinting in the sunlight.

"He's got the snitch! Percy Jackson RECEIVES 150 POINTS FOR CATCHING THE SNITCH!"

"Gryffindor wins!" Madame Hooch threw her fist up in the air.

Every Gryffindor cheered. Harry was being walked over to the hospital wing and so were the rest of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams.

"You know, it would've been a lot easier if Harry had just stuck to being a chaser."


"You know, it would've been a lot easier if you'd just stick to being a chaser," Ron said to me.

As if!

"I'm better in that position. I did the right thing!"

"No you aren't! Sometimes, you need to learn to let things go."

"And who won the war?"

"YOU WOULDN'T HAVE WON THE WAR IF IT WASN'T FOR ANYONE ELSE IN THIS WHOLE BLOODY ROOM!" Ron exclaimed as his arm was being bandaged up.

I scoffed and put an ice pack on my face.

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