Chapter 13 || The "Accident"

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We all rushed into the castle. Leo panted.

"You know... they should really include elevators in this place," he gasped as he ran.

There was a crowd of students.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Annabeth yelled, pushing through students.

When I got there, I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a body hanging from the ceiling with a noose around its neck, dangling limply.

"Go get Professor Dumbledore," I hissed to Nico, who immediately ran.

The students were all whispering. I stared in horror at the bloody mess. He was dripping blood to form a pool below him, his hoodie was up, AirPods still in his ear and phone still in the hoodie pocket. He was wearing black Adidas sneakers, now soaked in blood. This wasn't a student.

"Every student is to head back to their dormitories and not speak a word of this until further investigation is done. You are to remain in the dormitories and only in the dormitories. Do not head out anymore. Only me, the professors, Hermione, and the other transfer students may be allowed outside."

"And who said you make the rules?" Harry yelled.

I was already fed up. He had to choose now?

"Considering I could probably fight better than you can and that Professor Dumbledore permitted me to teach the Dark Arts class, I count as a professor. As for the transfer students and Hermione, they have been training how to fight for themselves since a young age. We are a lot more capable if a threat is to pose," I answered, impressed by the fact that I didn't stumble.

Harry closed his mouth and Ron suddenly interrupted.

"Hermione? Training her whole life?"

"Oh, Ronald, you don't see me all the time, do you?" Hermione sighed, exasperated, "Now you're wasting time. At this rate whoever the murderer is could kill us all."

They all fled to the dormitories. Professor Dumbledore and the other professors came rushing forward.

"I sent the students off to the dormitories and they are to remain there. I've told the paintings not to let anyone in or out until classes start again tomorrow."

"Good," Professor Dumbledore placed a wrinkled hand on my shoulder, "I've never seen someone dead and laid out for us to see in the halls of Hogwarts... And this young man seems to have already been dead before he was cut up."


"It seems this is a muggle. A muggle from the city that wandered over here. His eyes are closed. Perhaps he was asleep or he was already dead... I can't tell. Severus?"

Snape walked forward and wiped some blood on his finger.

"Happened about four or five hours ago."

My blood went cold. That's when Hagrid saw the muggle. This was the muggle.

"Percy?" McGonnagal stared at me, "Everything okay?"

I debated on whether I should tell them or not. In the end, I didn't want to freak them out, so I nodded my head.


"Examine the objects he's wearing."

"He's got a phone and AirPods--"

"Wait, what are AirPods and phones?" Dumbledore crinkled his nose.

"Muggle devices," Hermione cut in, "Phones are what they use to play online games and call, as well as listen to videos and movies. AirPods are wireless headphones but earbuds that come from a company called Apple."

"O-Oh, okay," Dumbledore nodded, "Look."

I gingerly took out a blood-soaked AirPod.

"No offense, Hermione, but I don't think a blood-soaked AirPod is gonna do anything."

"Check the phone, then," she groaned, rolling her eyes.

I took out the phone and the moment the screen flickered on, it wasn't what you expect from anyone.


It was in big black bold letters on a white background. Not very discreet.

"Look at what he was listening to... or what he was doing on the phone," I said, "Maybe something triggered the murderer to attack."

Annabeth switched it on and groaned.

"He must've taken a photo of the murderer and the murderer killed him before deleting the photo! He's in the recently deleted section and he cleared it all out."

"Go back to the dormitories. Rest well."

We all ran into the Gryffindor common room.

"Damn," I said, plopping onto the bed, "This sucks."

"A person is dead and you say 'this sucks'?" Annabeth muttered.

"Wasn't joking that time."


The next day during class was awkward. Especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I was teaching and half of the time someone raised their hand it was to ask about the dead person. I wish I could remove their memories but that was against the rules in school. I was seriously not allowed to do that. Of course, normally your PE teacher doesn't go and wipe your memories so you don't ask a question. That's just weird.

"Now. I want you to actually think about the dead person because you're all so happy to talk about it like it's a joke," I said, serious, "It's not a joke so YOU MUST BE OUTTA YOUR GODSDAMN MIND IF YOU THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT THAT WAS A JOKE!"

I exploded. I wasn't in the mood to be happy or light or joking. I was mad. Serious. Worried. F**king scared. SCARED. Stupid, right? Me? Scared? Well, lemme tell you. I WAS SCARED. All the students were staring at me, openmouthed.

"Okie dokie," I said, "Let's get on with this lesson."

All that could be heard was the crackle of a chip in Leo's mouth as he reached for more salt and pepper potato chips and the slurping of Thalia as she drank her orange soda. Annabeth sighed, facepalming. They'd eaten half of the food stash she had brought from New York.

"Anyways," I continued, "We are going to be learning a simple technique. So, Annabeth, come on up."

She walked towards me and took out her dagger. The class shifted nervously. I took out my sword.

"It's on," she whispered.

"Bring it."

We charged and began to basically fight, forgetting we had an audience. Annabeth hacked so hard I was scared she was actually going to rip my intestines out. I twirled and tried to smash her with my weight but she flipped around, almost getting my neck. I flipped back up and roundhouse kicked her, going for the head. She ducked, just as I'd hoped. She was unbalanced, so I got her from the behind, smashing her in between my legs to hold her in place. Bad idea. She punched me in the groin.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled.

Really, it hurt, but I had a trick up my sleeve.

"Oh my gods! Percy! I'm so sorry!" Annabeth gasped.

She leaned down to help me but she realized it too late. I grabbed her wrist and disarmed her dagger before judo-flipping her over onto her back and having her in a fake choke hold.

"Damn you," she muttered as I let go.

"Any questions?" I turned back to the class.

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