Chapter 23 || A Message

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Do you know what's fun? Breaking your ribs and getting dirt in your mouth. Dirt that you had to kill a year ago. And getting another concussion. No wonder I'm so dumb! I hated this. For real. I walked into the Great Hall, eating Cheerios. Cheerios. What is wrong with me? And what's worse? I have to sit with a straight back.


We entered Potion's class and Snape was ready.

"Alright, class, if you could please stop squabbling about the Quidditch match that'd be nice."

We all stopped talking and looked at Snape.

"Well. I have some news today. We will be supplying a special healing potion... can anyone tell me what it is?"

Hermione's hand shot up. So did Annabeth's.

"Ah, Chase and Granger. You two know-it-alls should stop trying to seek for all the attention... perhaps..."

I fell asleep.


Percy's head slouched backwards and I rolled my eyes. He was asleep. Snape glanced over and heaved an exasperated sigh.

"I was just about to say Jackson but I guess he needed some Sleeping Beauty time. I suppose the game of Quidditch tired him out. Valdez, how about you--"

Leo was also snoring, his head resting on Nico's shoulder, who had Thalia's sleeping head on his other shoulder. He patted both of their heads, a look of annoyance yet calmness on his face.

"Well... Di Angelo do you want to give it a go?"

"Sure... uh... is it called the Healing Soup?"

The class burst into laughter and Nico shrugged, forgetting that Thalia and Leo's heads were resting on his shoulders. Their heads banged onto the tables in front of them.

"OW!" they exclaimed, waking up at the same time, which made everyone laugh even louder.

I glanced over at my sleeping fiancé and without thinking, slapped him right across the face.

"OW!" Percy yelled as he jolted awake.

"Silence..." Snape held his hands up, "It isn't called Healing Soup, it is called--"

"The Essence of Dittany," I chimed in before he could finish.

"Yes..." Snape sighed, "Could you tell us the properties? What it does?"

"It heals almost instantly if applied to a wound."

"Correct. It's quite simple to brew. Just turn to page 189 in your books."


3 oz Blended Extract of White Dittany
3 oz Blended Extract of Cretan Dittany
4 Pickled Shrake Spine

"Eek," Percy muttered under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and began to make the potion.

"Excellent, Granger," Snape said, walking by, "Weasley, restart."


"I want you to stab these baby seals," Snape said, laying out adorable baby seals in front of us.

"Sevy!" Percy cried out, "I'm not gonna stab it."

"Jackson, you have to."

"No! I'm not gonna harm it! I protest!"

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