Chapter 45 || A Devilish Update

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I glared bitterly at the floor. I couldn't believe Annabeth and Percy would beat me. Me. I walked up to Voldemort.

"Milord," I bowed, "I would like to inform you that they are back at Hogwarts today. Should we attack?"

"No. Not yet. Save it for later. We need to prepare. We need to sabotage the school first."

"How are we doing that?"

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about," he smirked.


"Kill me," I groaned when we entered Magical Creatures.

"Good morning, Professor," Percy said, sitting down.

"You're gonna be excited this time," the professor winked at him.

I rolled my eyes. This was the only class I didn't get as good of a grade as Percy.

"Today, we will be learning about fascinating creatures. I want you to learn about horses first. Do you know anything about them?"

"They have tails and have horseshoes," Ron spoke up.

"True," Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Jackson. Sugar cubes."

Percy held the sugar cubes in a jar. The cloth was removed and there stood a familiar black Pegasus.

"BLACKJACK!" Percy exclaimed, running up.

Blackjack neighed and Percy fed him a sugar cube. I could practically hear him whining about not having a donut. Percy mounted it.

"Give us a demonstration," the professor smiled.

"Let's do this, Blackjack," Percy said and they took off.

"WOOHOO!" he yelled as they did a bunch of tricks.

Suddenly, a rock came flying out of nowhere and hit Percy and his horse. We all gasped as they tumbled to the floor.

"Ouch! Blackjack! You're heavy!" Percy whined.

Suddenly, another rock flew and smashed onto the floor next to him.

"What the--" he was cut off by black streaks cutting through the sky.

"F**k," Ginny groaned.

"Ginny!" Ron gave her a small whack.

She returned it.



"Shut it," she replied, whipping out her wand.

Percy got up off of the floor and Blackjack got ready. Suddenly, Death Eaters appeared everywhere.

"GET INSIDE!" Percy yelled, pushing me towards the crowd.

Jason jumped out, slashing through one but getting hit in the head with a brick.

"Oh my gods," Piper groaned, "GET INSIDE ANNABETH!"

I stared at Percy.

"GO!" Hazel yelled, shadow traveling me inside.

I saw all the students huddled in the Great Hall and walked forward to the empty podium.

"Attention," I cleared my throat, "Well... Percy and the others are fighting the squad of Death Eaters that just umm... raided the Magical Creatures class, I assure you, they'll be alright. They're excellent fighters--"

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