Chapter 29 || New Year's Eve

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"THE--" clap clap "--YEAR--" clap clap "--IS--" drumroll "--ALMOST OVER!" the twins. Again.

I groaned from the comforting bedsheets and rolled over on my stomach. Bad idea.

"OHHHHHHHH MY GODSSSSSSSSS!" I groaned when I realized that I had just put all my weight on broken ribs.

"What's happening?!" Annabeth burst in.

"Annabeth? You can hear me from like... six rooms over?"

"We all heard that, Perce. Thanks," Leo walked in wearing his red silk pajamas.

"Leo... why are you wearing red Chinese silk PJs?" Hazel looked him up and down.

"Hey!" Nico emerged wearing black Chinese silk PJs, "Don't hate the comfort!"

"To be fair," I said, rolling back over, "The twins already woke you guys up."




We glanced over to see the Weasley twins peeking through my suite door.

"Some chiseled biceps..." they said in unison.

Annabeth grabbed a throw pillow and chucked it at their faces. She proceeded to grab every pillow in the whole room. She began to chuck it at their faces.

"Oh God!" the twins were busy dodging.

Annabeth, having run out of pillows, now resided to the last pillow she had. Mine. She snatched it, leaving my poor head to bonk into the bed frame.

"OW! JEEZO!" I yelled.

It went straight out of the door.

"Duck," the twins smirked and began to launch the pillows at us.

"Ah gods," I sighed and laid my head down on the mattress, "THIS FEELS WEIRD WHERE'S MY PILLOW?!"

"Over here!" the twins snickered and chucked it at Annabeth's unknowing face.

She toppled over. Right on top of me.


"Oh! Gods! Sorry, Percy!" she jumped as if I had electrocuted her and began to launch next-level things at them.

Lucky me. Having my suite torn apart at 8 AM in the morning. Annabeth began to hurl nerf bullets at them using the nerf guns on my dresser.




"WHO HAS THE GUN?!" people were starting to run over.

"What is my life?" I wondered aloud before getting smacked in the face by a pillow.

"Damn!" Kylie began to take photos, "This is gonna be the highlight of the year! This is cooler than your toad, Neville!"

A ribbit sounded and the next thing I know, there's a slimy toad on my face. Perfect way to start New Year's Eve Day. Next thing: the toad begins to piss in your mouth.

"BLERGHHHHHHH!" I gagged and stumbled out of bed in... boxers.

Everyone was staring. Lesson learned: don't wear only boxers to bed when you have an audience. I just let some pee dribble out of my mouth before gagging and retching again and flinging myself into the bathtub. I spewed out my contents into the trash can and grabbed soap and squirted it into my mouth, deep cleaning my mouth. Bad idea.

"BLERGHHHHHH!" I barfed out the soap.

"NEVILLE I'M GONNA KILL YOUR TOAD!" I gargled with a mouth-full of water.

A frightened scream told me I had taken it too far.

"I'M ONLY KIDDING!" I yelled before continuing to rinse my mouth out.


I was now in a shirt with some sweatpants on, watching Annabeth painting her nails with all the other girls because she had insisted. She kissed my nose and I turned redder than a tomato. The girls were all staring at her but made no noise. They were gossiping. Like normal teenage girls. The TV was on, blasting New York's event. The Ball Dropping. We weren't in the time zone, but who cares? We got to see it because of Hazel's misting skills and time skipping.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone threw gold and red glitter everywhere and confetti, as well as cannons of red and golden fireworks. It was a mess.

"What in the world is going on in here?!" McGonnagal burst in but when she saw the sparks, she began to laugh.

"McGonnagal's laughing?" Ron gasped in disbelief.

"Don't hate the answers," I shrugged before other teachers were laughing, too.

Slytherins ran in and blasted green in the air. Then Ravenclaw, then Hufflepuff, before it was a huge explosion of random colors smushing together.

"Excellent!" Flitwick cheered.

We were all covered in confetti and glitter, which would be extremely hard to get out of my hair, along with that small toy car I had lost in there this morning. Annabeth kissed my cheek before the teachers began to gather authority.

"Everyone back to the dormitories! Time for bed!"


"Wouldn't it be a perfect time to attack, milord?"

"Not yet, Jacob. But you will go to spy. And you will go to give me two special heroes."

"Who, milord?"

"Well, you obviously know the prophecy. First, you need to get the lovely... mighty... Percy Jackson."


"Then... you get to choose who else."


"Be honored, servant," Voldemort stood, "These chances don't come so easily to my followers."

"Thank you, milord. Thank you so much!"

"Enough of your gratitude, as much as I enjoyed it. I need you to go get Kronos and Hyperion from their resting areas. We need to inform them of the plan."

Jacob steadily creeped towards the tents.

"Lord Kronos? Lord Hyperion?" he bowed low as the two powerful figures came out, "Lord Voldemort wishes to see you to discuss our plan."

He was jabbed in the arm by Hyperion's stubby finger.

"You aren't part of it, servant. It is our plan."

"T-That's what I said," Jacob bowed.

"Was that a... stutter? A remark?" Kronos lifted an eyebrow, "Don't be so hotheaded."

"I'm sorry, masters. I will do better."

"And so you shall," Hyperion left Jacob and Jacob proceeded to grab the tray of wine and cheese, as well as some wild grapes he had found.

"I've decided to send Jacob over to the school to kidnap two of our beloved heroes," Voldemort said in his chilling voice.

"Ja--" Kronos began but Voldemort put a hand up calmly.

"Your well-wished Percy Jackson will be here for you to do whatever you want to him. His fun time in Hogwarts is coming to an end. And Jacob here gets to choose the second demigod to bring over."

"Him?!" Kronos exploded.

"Relax, dear Kronos and Hyperion. Jacob has been useful these past three months. Serving us drinks, cheese, grapes, taking our luggage, fighting battles... he will do well, I presume, in Hogwarts."

"You presume," Hyperion narrowed his eyes, "Dangerous words."

"I know he will do well. If not... you can take care of it."

"Lovely," Kronos smirked.

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