Chapter 59 || Sam's Story

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"I was a girl," she said, helping me up.

"Whoa... this is Hogwarts! Oh wait! That's me! Gods, that's a weird position..."

"Well, follow me," she said, holding my hand.

"Am I a ghost? Is this real?"

"Tell me. Is it real?"

I didn't respond. She lead me even further over to the fountain, where we shrunk and got inside.

"I say again. I was just a girl. I was born at Camp Half-Blood. To Elizabeth Jackson and Poseidon."

"Elizabeth? That was your mother's name!"

"My vile and cruel mother. I hated her. She and my stepfather abused me together. She was sick."

"So we were both abused..." I stared at her and a single tear fell from her eye.

"You're a lot more like me than I thought you were," she sniffled, "I see myself in you. Anyways... I grew up in a world full of chaos. I was born in camp, but five years after I had trained, my mother kidnapped me in my sleep. She had escaped from the mental hospital along with my stepfather. Oh, they beat me under a tree until I was bloody and my blood watered the stones."

"Oof... Oh sorry, too shallow?"

"I would've said the same thing," she chuckled.

She stuck her hand in the fountain.

"Here. Let me show you."

I was pulled into the water like a 5D movie.

There was a girl with brown curls and sea-green eyes playing by the Camp Half-Blood beach with some other friends. She was laughing and collecting cool seashells for the other kids.

"I was always... rather peculiar, as Chiron would say," she laughed.

Suddenly, there was a monster. A hellhound.

"Oh gods! You're like... 4!"

"Just watch," she said calmly.

The little girl suddenly pulled... a sock? She pulled a sock out of the sand castle and began to whack it at the hellhound. Pieces of buttery...

"The butter sock! You invented the butter sock!" I gasped.

"You didn't think I was stupid, did you?" she smirked.

The campers eventually flooded over to see the monster burst into dust and cover the lumps of sandy butter on the beach.

"I was strange..." she grinned, "Guess you know where you got your things from."

The girl picked up her Nemo plushie and skipped away.

"That's a Nemo plushie!"

"Yep. I had a thing for the little cartoon."

Suddenly, the scene changed and there was the girl being dragged away by this crazy lady with small brown eyes and a pointy witch nose, along with messed up red hair. The man next to her had blonde hair and hazel eyes. They were hitting her and beating her until she was bloodied and leaking all over the tree.

"That's you! Oh... that's terrible..."

"Yes. It is..."

The scene then switched to Sam running back to camp at age seven, already covered in wounds. She trained, fought, beat the Ares kids... It was all an epic time skip. Finally, there it was. Sam following Poseidon to the beach where... I saw my mom!

"My mom!"

"Yes... your mother is... also quite peculiar."

"Listen, Poseidon... I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!"

"This is bad..."

"What do you mean it's bad?! This is great news!"

"No, Sally... I'm an Olympian god!"


"And that means since I'm one of the Big Three, I'm not allowed to have children!"

"Oh, so you're just gonna ignore your son?!"


"Poseidon! This is not the man I knew!"

"I wish I could. I wish I could love him and be a normal dad and I love him, really... but I can't do this. You have to take him by himself."

"But what do I say to him?"

"His dad got lost at sea... while eating a corndog..."

And Mom slapped him straight across the face.

I laughed.

"Oh my gods!" I clapped, "OOF!"

"Yes. Your mom is the first person to ever slap a Greek god in the history of mortals without getting blasted to pieces."

Sally marched off and Poseidon turned to follow her, but then he spotted Sam.


"Sam," she glared, "It's Sam."

"What did you hear?"

"That you're pregnant... with a boy. Well, your ex-girlfriend is. Oof, that must've been painful and I enjoyed every bit of it."

"Listen, Sam.  You can't tell anyone. Not even your own friends."

"What? Wh--"

"If they know I have another child, they'll kill Sally and Percy and you. Zeus will go mad."

"Okay... I won't... but you need some sort of payment."

"A million drachmas, okay?!" Poseidon rolled his eyes, "Now I'm broke."

"I was only going to ask for 100, but okay."

"Don't tell?"

"Promise. But I can still see him, right?"

"Yep. You can. Just don't let Sally catch you. She'll most likely whack you off the window of her apartment because she doesn't like it when monsters attack her son."

"I wouldn't either," Sam rolled her eyes.

"Whoa... you saw the pregnant reveal!" I gasped.

"Yep. Most interesting moment of my life."

The scene switched.

Suddenly, there was Sam, looking into the window and watching me every week. And then there was a battle at Camp Half-Blood. And I saw a familiar face.

"Yes, Voldemort. He was in the woods sending that Minotaur to kill that kid. He wanted the Jacksons to die out so that any kid of Poseidon couldn't take him down."


"Percy. Voldemort can't stand water. His newly remade skin for snakes can't handle it because he's not a water snake. It'll dissolve his skin slowly and painfully if you boil the water with a basilisk fang."

"That's it!"

Sam was suddenly skewered and she was dead on the floor. Then, came the fateful day where I was almost murdered. Sam jumped in front of me.

"Wow..." I stared at her.

"You were the only family I had left. I had to save you. And now I have to leave you. This is last you'll see of me."

"What?" I stared at her again, "Why?"

"Don't worry, Percy. I'll never be truly gone. I need to go back to the Underworld. Though, I will constantly visit Sam's dreams. Gods... she's just like me but with blonde hair."

Sam waved before I was suddenly woken up at the floor beside... OMG ARE THOSE VOLDEMORT TOES?!

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