Chapter 40 || The Big Day

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"I am so proud of you!" Piper squealed, adjusting the dress so I didn't look like a moron.

She suddenly tripped over the train.

"Wow, that dress is really big and the veil, too."

"I guess that's why the house elves decided to carry them as I walk down the aisle today."

"Dobby rehearsed it," Dobby said from the floor, "Mr. Malfoy even lended him the trumpet!"

He began to toot the music and I laughed. Piper did the last flicks of makeup on my face and place one more bobby pin into my hair.

"There!" she exclaimed, hopping up and down in excitement, "THIS IS SO AMAZING!"

I took deep breaths. This was really happening. The only reason why I had been sleeping was because I was taking sleeping pills strong enough to knock out a horse.

"Is everything set up--"

"Everything's fine," Piper reassured me, "You're gonna be fine. Camp's here!"

I peered out of the window to see Argus's van pulling up and all the campers flooding out, wearing their orange T-shirts and carrying luggage, which carried their clothes and wedding outfits. Chiron stepped out, wearing a suit. Mr. D also stumbled out, wearing a tuxedo and carrying a huge case of champagne for the champagne wine glass tower we were going to overflow and serve that night.

"It's gonna be great," Piper grinned, "It's MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING!"

"EEEEE!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

"THIS IS SO AMAZING!" Hazel cheered as she entered the room.

Malcolm was in the room wearing a tuxedo, his blonde hair swept to the side.

"Hey," he smiled as he entered, "Ready to walk down that aisle?"

"Malcolm!" I cheered and hugged him, "I can't believe you're here!"

"You needed me and the camp. Of course I had to come."


"Oh... why am I doing this?" I whispered, scared, behind the doors to the Great Hall.

"Because you love him," Malcolm winked at me, "And you're going to have a child! You don't want your stomach to be too big before your wedding."

I kissed him on the cheek before the music began to play.

"Go get 'em Annabeth."

The doors swung open and I walked in. The girls were all gushing and 'ooh'ing and 'aww'ing and I saw Percy, standing there in his beautiful black tuxedo. His hair was actually gelled, though it was really messy, as usual. His sea-green eyes were sparkling and his teeth whiter than ever before. As I approached closer, I felt all my memories flooding back and I held back tears of joy.

"Today, we are gathered to celebrate the marriage of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Love is a mysterious thing, which can be clearly seen between the two of them. They hate each other. All the time. And that's what love is. They hate each other, but at the same time, they would fall apart if one of them were to leave the other. That is true love that can never be broken. And I am sure they will be together for many ages to come. Now for the vows. Do you, Percy Jackson, take Annabeth Chase to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," he said.

"Do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I smiled.

"Then, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Percy and Annabeth Jackson, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I kissed him like it was the first time. Just, without anyone trying to dump us in the water. Clarisse was clapping from the sidelines.

"I won't throw you guys in the lake this time, okay?!" she laughed from her bridesmaid... jumpsuit.

We walked down the aisle together, and I held his arm all the way. He was off crutches, if you must know. We laughed all the way to the Photo Booth, where we took photos.

"Do one kiss!"

"Do a turn!"

"Show us the gown!"

"Hold her hand!"


THIS IS THE BEST WEDDING EVER! We were just partying to some music and having a great time doing it. Nico was blasting some dance music from the DJ booth and I was busy drinking some cocktails. Hey! The legal drinking age in England is 18! I squirted some lime in my mouth and scrunched my nose up.

"Oh! That is sour!"

"Told ya," Jason smirked.

"Where's Annabeth?" Hermione came up, dragging Ron.

"She'll be here any second. Just finishing photos, probably."

I watched as she entered and holding hands with Percy, cut the cake. It was five tiers and had some blue and gray roses decorating it. On the top was a small blue candy statue of Percy and Annabeth, and on the cake it had two huge chocolate words.


"That is so sweet," McGonnagal dabbed at the corners of her eyes, "Don't look at me, I'm most certainly not crying."

I took my slice of the cake.

"Mmm!" I moaned as I took more, "This is really good."

Annabeth was busy kissing Percy and indulging in the sugary delights. Well, she had two.

"One for the baby," she patted her growing stomach.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. One month in and she was still going on and on about how the baby needed more food. Percy looked happier than ever and I couldn't help but smile. After all the two had been through, they were finally there, having their wedding in a nice fancy castle with a shield of protection so they wouldn't have any distractions.

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