Chapter 41 || Big Day Part 2!

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"ARE YOU READY?!" Mr. D began to saturate the tower of champagne glasses with the bubbly champagne and the bartender began to hand me a virgin cocktail, as to not disturb the baby.

"WOOHOO!" I cheered and drank it while Percy chugged his glass.

"Careful!" I laughed.

"BOOMSHACKALAKA!" Piper yelled. We watched as the champagne glasses all overflowed and champagne was everywhere.

"WOOHOO!" Nico yelled, grabbing one.

"GO FETCH!" Mr. D yelled, grabbing his own glass.

Chiron was even having fun. The younger campers all drank apple cider and the younger students drank hot cider.

"WEEEEEEE!" Aphrodite was doing... uh... weird stuff next to Ares, who was chugging his drink like a madman.

Percy took another drink.

"Stop!" I laughed, "Don't get drunk!"

I laughed and twirled around before the champagne was dragging at my dress.

"Okay that's enough Mr. D!" I laughed.

He gave me a sloppy salute before falling drunk on the floor.

"Oh well," I laughed and began to party on.

"LET'S GO!" Nico yelled, putting the DJ on to tango mode.

I laughed, dancing with Percy, twisting around and attempting to do the tango.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed playfully as we dipped.

"OOP!" Percy laughed.


We got in a carriage pulled by white horses and a banner on the back saying "Just Married!".

"Bye!" Piper yelled, "See you in an hour or two!"

We began to gallop around the castle, laughing and finally settling down.

"I wonder if we damaged our baby's eardrums," I giggled.

"Nope, but we sure let it know what a wedding sounds like."

"Our wedding. It might have a peaceful one."

"Considering the crazy people we are, I don't think that's happening anytime soon."


"Did you have fun?" Percy asked when we got back to the newly-built jumbo suite for us.

"A lot," I kissed his cheek.

He took off his suit and I followed him to the shower, where I washed all that darn makeup off of me. When we were done, I dried off and walked straight into bed, slipping under the covers.

"Night night," I whispered, "Night Daddy Jackson."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there," Percy laughed and laid on top of me, "Night Mommy Jackson."


I woke up under Percy. I gently slipped out from under him and shivered as the cold met my bare skin. I slipped on some undergarments and a shirt, as well as some nice sweatpants. Then I leaped onto Percy.


He jolted out of bed before groaning and putting on pants and a shirt.

"Let's go, then," he laughed and we raced out of the suite.

We raced down the hill of grass and to the patch on a small hill where we could just be a weird married couple.

"I LOVE YOU!" I yelled.


"Look at the two lovebirds," Clarisse.

"Oh shit--"


The Ares campers lifted us up on their shoulders, followed by the Stoll's, who were taking pictures.


We were launched into the creek. We had a beautiful underwater kiss. Suddenly, I felt a tentacle wrap around my waist and I was pulled out of the air bubble. I heard Percy yell.


The squid holding me made an apologetic gesture and put me back in the bubble, where we shared an underwater kiss. Perfect way to start your day.


"Congratulations," another student said as they passed us in the Great Hall.

We were having leftover cake as a breakfast meal. Classes were about to start. We headed on to Potion's class and Snape was there.

"Hello, class. In honor of Percy and Annabeth's marriage--congratulations, you two--we will be brewing a love potion."


3 Ashwinder Eggs

10 Rose Thorns

7 leaves of Peppermint

1 Moonstone


"Today, we will be growing Moly plants! Can anyone tell me the properties of this plant?"

"Moly plants can ward off enchantments," Hermione spoke up immediately.

"Good!" Professor Sprout smiled, "Now take out your gloves and begin to pull!"

I grabbed the black stem and Professor Sprout motioned to the buckets right next to us.

"Let's put them in those baskets!"

"We're like f**king factory workers--" Leo started but Professor Sprout gave him a whack over the head.

"Language, Valdez!"

"Sorry, ma'am," he said and set the plant on fire by accident.

Percy quickly put it out.

"See?" Hermione stared at Percy and I frowned.

He gave her a 'wtf' look and I shrugged. Those two were always glaring at each other like laser beams.


"Someday I want to take you to Paris," Percy said to me as we did our homework--well, I did my homework.

"Paris?" I questioned.

"Remember that winter break where I couldn't come?"

I nodded.

"Well, I was off in Paris for a business trip. Boy it was beautiful. All the French girls were walking around in the snow wearing nothing but a long fur coat and some jeans with a tank top and a thin scarf, giving all the hot boys the eye... The Effiel Tower was gleaming above everything, snow falling like powdered sugar on the golden cake... Lovely croissants and rich coffee from the bakeries at 6 AM in the morning when no one's bustling along the street, and the kids playing in the park and the smell of baguettes in the air..."

"That sounds like a lot of fun."

"Lots," Percy chuckled, "I would give anything in the world to taste those chocolate croissants again. Peacefully."

"Well just you wait," I laughed, "Maybe we'll go there on our anniversary someday."

"Someday," Percy smiled, "And I'll take you all around Europe. Ooh! I could even take you to Belgium. They make the best chocolate strawberries ever..."

"Stop rambling on about food!" I laughed, "It'll be midnight and your homework will still be unfinished!"

He laughed and kissed my cheek before giving me baby seal eyes.

"No..." I groaned.

"Please?" he stared straight into my eyes, "We can have fun tonight..."

I bit my lip.

"Ugh! Dam you!" I groaned and took his paper and began to do it for him.

"Thank you, Wise Girl," he kissed my nose.

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