Chapter 30 || Percy's Dream

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I saw people. Hyperion, Kronos, and... Voldy Moldy. But there was another figure with his back turned. 

"He will do well, I presume, in Hogwarts."

"Presume? Those are dangerous words," Hyperion glared.

"I know he will do well to bring you two demigods. If not... you can do whatever you want with him."


I woke up, taking deep breaths and gasping. Okay, the New Years was here and I was getting nervous. I felt something... off in the Great Hall that morning. When I sat down, I saw a Slytherin wave at me. He had dark messy hair and deep chocolate brown eyes, as well as pale skin. He looked more friendly than the other Slytherins... except for Malfoy. Malfoy was always first for best Slytherin. Other than Snape--okay, this is confusing.

I silently ate breakfast, considering whether I should tell the rest of the demigods or not. I decided not to. Suddenly, Jacob walked towards us. My first instinct was to hurt him somehow... it was like... uncovered vengeance was running through my veins for absolutely no reason as he came forward.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi!" Annabeth greeted first before I could speak.

His eyes landed on her and they flashed.

Oh gods, not another one... I mentally groaned.

"Why hello," he smiled, "You all look very nice today."

"Uh... we're all wearing wizarding robes," I pointed out, "We all look the same."

He let out a laugh that sent chills up my spine.

"Uh... who are you?" Jason asked skeptically. I guess he was feeling the same vibes.

"Jacob. Jacob Anderson. Guess you've never seen me. I'm normally in the library. Studying architecture."

He. Did. Not.

"Architecture?" Annabeth raised her eyebrows, "How come I never see you there? I'm always there."

I inwardly smirked. Ha! Busted!

"I have my invisibility cloak on at all times. Don't like attention."

F**k you Jacob.

"Oh well you deserve it," Annabeth said, "Have a nice day!"

He walked off and I swear I saw a devilish smirk on his face as he left. I ate my breakfast in silence.

"You're awfully quiet today, Seaweed Brain. It's waffle day. You're normally happy," Annabeth noted.

"Guess you know why," I shrugged and continued eating without words.

All I could see was his chocolate brown eyes staring into her gray ones, flashing like a lightbulb. And lightbulbs in people's eyes are never good. It means they have an idea.


"What's up with you today?!" Annabeth groaned, "You keep looking at Jacob."

"Yeah... I can look at new people if I want to," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah... but you're giving him the 'I'm watching you' look and that doesn't make people comfortable."

"Who says?"

"Well if I was staring at you 24/7 when we just met would you feel uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, but that's different."

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