Chapter 24 || Eighth Horcrux

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"This is bad..." Hermione was pacing back and forth, "This is bad..."

"We get it, Hermione," Leo said.

"Not only did we just figure out how he came back to life, we're in a dilemma that he obviously knew he could use to take advantage of us. This is too bad to be true..." she trailed off.

"Well now I know someone lives inside of me," I grumbled, "What a nice day. Not creepy at all."

"The only way to kill him is to kill you and we're not doing that," Hermione took a deep breath, "Alright... breathe... breathe... it's okay... it worked out last year..."

"If I can ask," Annabeth asked, "How did Harry manage to kill the horcrux inside of him?"

"Voldemort blasted him with the Killing Curse. Voldemort actually used Harry's blood to make his body so that's why. Because Lily Potter's protection over Harry's blood ensured that he couldn't die and as long as the protection lived on inside Voldemort, Harry couldn't die."

"Smart woman," I noted, "She just ended his career."

"And gave up her life for it," Hermione sighed, "I wish she was still alive."

"What do we even do? This seriously destroys every fact about the seven horcruxes," Jason groaned.

"Well... now I know there's a person inside of me," I muttered, "and I literally destroyed a philosophy."

"Well..." Frank sighed, "I don't know how we're supposed to kill the horcrux. You're doomed, Percy."


"You Know Who had to kill one person for each horcrux he made. And I have no idea how that's supposed to work. Who would he kill for Percy?"

"Percy do you remember anyone from the past that you don't see anymore?" Piper charmspoke.

"Well... there's this girl... with... the same eyes as I have and she has my mom's brown hair... I remember her from when I was two and there was a strange dude who walked in. She was older than me and she shielded me from this green light and then it was all gone."

"If she has Poseidon's eyes and your mom's hair... that could only mean--"

"You have a sister," Annabeth gasped.

"Sister... I don't have a sister other than Estelle--"

"She's the reason you're alive," Hermione said certainly, "That's why you're a horcrux. So as long as her protection lies inside of you, no one who serves the dark lord can touch you. Not even the Dark Lord himself."

"But how do I get rid of it?"

"Ah," Hermione said, taking out her journal, "That's just a matter of strategy. You see... we need to have a trap that could easily get You Know Who to fall for it. He doesn't know Percy's a horcrux."

"Yeah. He doesn't know I'm the reason he's able to be alive," I muttered.

"We could do the blood thing again," Hermione said, "He'll think godly blood can help him because you're a demigod, Percy. But really, it'll do the opposite. Just like Harry's did with his."

"But he's most likely gonna try and find a way to get to it and if I just give it to him he'll know something's up. There's absolutely no way to get inside of me and steal my blood."

"You never know. You never know."


I dipped my quill into the ink tin again.

Dear Mom,
Hi, I just learned the craziest stuff at school. It's super weird and we had to stab seals and pour Essence of Dittany on it. It was terrible. We also have screaming plants. I just have one question that I need to ask you. Our mission is hard and we've just found out something crazy. I just realized that in my memories, I have a memory of a figure shielding me from a green light. She has Dad's eyes and your hair... and I'm thinking she's my sister, but I've never known a sister. So do I have a sister? Not Estelle of course. She's still alive. Have a good day!

I sighed, folding the letter up and giving it to my owl, who gladly flew off with it, flapping her wings in the night sky. I frowned, sitting at the windowsill, staring out at the night. I heard someone else sit down next to me. I turned to see Harry sitting there, staring out.

"Hey," I said quietly.

"Hey," he responded back, not taking his eyes off the sky, "You know... sometimes I wish things could've been different. You may not realize it but I sense trouble out there. And I have a bad feeling about it. I don't know how much more this school can take. But I was just looking forward to a peaceful eighth year."

I felt a pang of sympathy.

"Harry," I addressed him and stared into his green eyes, "You're not alone. I have countless nights of nightmares and I've been hunted down all my life because of my blood. I feel you. But I have no choice. I have to fight."

"It's just so... unfair..." Harry stared out at the glinting stars.

I watched the white flicker and the moon like a croissant in the sky.

"You know... life... has no fairness... nor does it have unfairness. There is no good or bad... There is no right and wrong... Sometimes, you just have to accept it. After all... fate has it all drawn out for you. It's just your luck you're depending on," I murmured.

"You finally said something smart," Harry let out a light chuckle.

I laughed softly next to him.

"How's it like? Having... a mom... and a dad..."

"My dad and I don't see each other much... I mean... he's busy at work and I just... don't get to see his side of the family at all. My mom and I have to keep distance because she's raising her family with my stepdad and... I don't wanna interfere. I'm dangerous enough."

"Dangerous?" Harry frowned, "How does you being able to fight make you dangerous?"

"There are some things you should know. Knowing things is good. But knowing everything isn't always better," I stood up and left.

I walked into my suite, thinking about my own words as I plopped down in bed.

Life has no fairness nor does it have unfairness. There is no good or bad.There is no right and wrong. Sometimes, you just have to accept it. After all, fate has it all drawn out for you. It's just your luck you're depending on.

"Oh isn't that right, Fates?" I murmured up at the stars, "It's right, isn't it?"

The stars flashed as if to say "yes".

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