Chapter 32 || The Truth

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As much as I try to stay out of trouble, here I am. I had walked into the bathroom to see Jacob hit Annabeth and I tackled him. That's when I saw Death Eaters all come and basically batter me until I had passed out. Jacob was a Death Eater! Now I was here, being tortured everyday on the wall while they hiss and scratch waiting for answers from the both of us. I'm not that stupid. They'd still cook me either way.

Now here was Jacob, trying to make my Wise Girl fall in love with a hideous sewer rodent like him.

"MMMMMMMM!" she yelled through her closed lips.

Not today, mister.

I used my wrist and flung the potion to the side, watching it shatter against the wall and evaporate into nothing.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jacob yelled, flinging himself over to the evaporating contents, "NO! YOU DIDN'T!"

He suddenly turned and began to stab at me with his knife. I refused to groan in pain. I refused. I clenched my teeth and stared straight ahead. I saw Annabeth staring up in horror and fear. I gave her the look.

Not the best time.

The best? No, this was the worst. As if I couldn't be more obvious. Jacob let out a yell of rage. He got down from the wall.

"Fine. Fine. I'll get the masters to come torture the information out of you. One week clearly isn't enough. But will one month of torture do it? Will it? Yep. I'd pay my whole fortune to have the opportunity to torture you and feel your blood trickling along my skin. And to kiss Annabeth's full, strawberry lips."

"F**K YOU!" Annabeth yelled suddenly, "F**K YOU!"

"Aw, Annababe," Jacob slithered over to her, "Just give up. Kiss me. Love me. Let me do whatever I want to you."

"In your dreams," she growled.

Jacob spat in disgust and smashed her head against the floor, leaving it trickle a bit of blood and her unconscious.

"Don't touch her," I hissed.

"Or else what?" he gave me a mock pout, "You're gonna cry a river?"

"Or I'll kick your puny ass."

"How? It's not like you're not chained to a wall. Masters! Come on in!"

They walked in. Kronos and Hyperion.

"Where's your oh so mighty dark lord?" I sneered.

"Watch it, Jackson," Kronos put his scythe against my throat, "I might just summon him here to kill you. But what's the fun in watching you die peacefully? I want you to die in pain."

"And me," Hyperion put his spear against my chest.

Kronos slashed across my stomach. I gritted my teeth, a few tears leaking from my eyes.

"That's it, Percy. Cry like the little baby you are," Hyperion snickered.

I could spot Jacob grabbing Annabeth, making out with her unconscious body. Creep! Hyperion stabbed my ankle with his spear.

"Looking at the little princess, eh? Such a delight. She's a pretty one. Good for your suffering. Nice choice, Jacob."

"Thanks, master."

"You awful creeps don't deserve the name, master."

Kronos smashed his scythe down on my head and I could practically feel my blood from my head trickle all over my chest, but that was probably from my previous wounds.

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