Chapter 7 || Quidditch Tryouts

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I went to Quidditch tryouts. I was the Harry Potter. Best seeker ever. No one was going to beat me. I saw the Jackson jerk with a broom. What?! He got the new Firebolt! No fair! He was talking with Madame Hooch and laughing a bunch. Like an idiot. Codswallop. Fred and George were standing there too, casually tossing lemons over Percy's head in a game of catch. Other people started coming.

"Welcome to the Quidditch tryouts!" Madame Hooch blew her whistle, "Line up in a single file line for me, please."

I saw Percy walk in and the Weasley twins ruffled his hair.

"Now," Madame Hooch said, "I want you to go ten laps around the court."

She blew her whistle and Percy mounted, taking off. He zipped around the course. I was too busy looking to realize that this was a race. I took off but before I knew it I was only on my second and he had already finished. I cursed and took a deep breath. I could still finish in second. I zipped around. When I landed, I realized I had only scored 8th. WITH A FIREBOLT!

"Now," Madame Hooch said, "I want you to get in line if you'd be interested in the role of the Keeper."

Ron stepped forward. A few other people did, too. And they were off. Madame Hooch muttered a charm and flicked her wand at the quaffle. It flew up into the air and began to shoot at the hoops. Ron was up first. He reached his arm out and caught it. Right there. It went on and on and on before it was someone else's turn.

"I was bloody brilliant up there," Ron panted as he flew down.

"Mhm," I muttered absently, "I'm gonna be the Quidditch captain this year. And the seeker. Boy, that'll be fun!"


I proudly marched forth and when I saw Fred and George push Percy forward into the line, I couldn't help but scoff. Percy Jackson? Seeker? Not a chance. Not in a million years. I pushed my way in front of Percy, who was just fidgeting with his broom like an idiot. I slow-clapped for all of the seekers trying out. Rubbish. Like they could beat me. The best Quidditch player of all time.

"Percy Jackson!"

Percy walked forward, mounting his broom. I gritted my teeth. I wanted to knock him right off the broom. Madame Hooch threw her whistle and let the snitch go. My time was six minutes and seven seconds. Like he could beat that. That was a world record right there. Percy was suddenly flying down, waving something in the air. The Golden Snitch. What the bloody hell?!

"W-Wha--" Madame Hooch spluttered, staring at her stopwatch, "Two minutes?! That's the fastest score in... a century! The whole history of Quidditch! Wha--how did you--"

"I wouldn't question it," Percy shrugged, "Bye bye!"

He grabbed his blue coke and began to sip. I rolled my eyes and silently flipped him off.


"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Clubbers up," they said in unison before taking off and hitting the bludgers all over the place, avoiding the dummy holographic players.

I marched out of the Quidditch field and saw Percy walking up the hill.

"How did you cheat?!" I huffed and puffed, getting up to him and pointing my wand at his throat.

"Uh... Whadaya mean?"

The nerve of that guy!

"How did you cheat?! The world record is 5 minutes! And that's my time!"

"I didn't cheat, dude," Percy just laughed, "Sorry. Have a good day!"

He just walked off, ignoring me.


"Listen, Harry. Don't do that."

"Why not?" I sniffed.

"Because you remind me too much of my Uncle Z. I already have enough of him in my life."

Thunder boomed.

"Oops," he muttered, "Sorry."

He's mental!

"Gotta go. Bye!" he skipped off.


"Ready everyone?" Piper asked, shouldering her backpack.

"Ready!" I said, "Let's go!"

"How are we supposed to get our owls onto the plane?" Leo said, pulling his finger away as his owl tried to bite it, "Ah! Chill out, dude! Jeez!"

Leo's owl was orange-ish and reddish, which reminded me of red headed girls. Like Rachel. Mine? You guessed it. Gray.

"Just roll with it," Jason shrugged and Argus honked the horn on the van.

"Gotta get in," Frank said and opened the trunk.

They gently put their owls in and hopped into the van. Argus suddenly lurched and the cages were everywhere. The squawking of owls was everywhere and the thumping of boxes could also be heard.

"AH!" Thalia screamed as her owl cage flew over her head.

"ARGUS SLOW DOWN!" Hazel screamed as a book box thumped against her seat.

Just our lucky day. It was Thursday. The day Argus blasted Taylor Swift through his noise-cancelling headphones. He couldn't hear us.

"AW SHIT!" Leo yelled when he realized this.

We finally came to a stop at the airport where Argus practically dumped us out and proceeded to sing a very weird tune of "Sweet Caroline" in his made-up language.


They walked into the waiting area before boarding the flight.


They got off at King's Cross Station casually carrying an owl on a cart with Leo almost catching his hair on fire while being terrified of his owl.

"Platform 9 and three quarters?" she wondered aloud.

"Hey you!" a man pointed a stubby finger at her, "Don't you dare ask me where that platform is... I've had enough! I really get underpaid for this stupid job! AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Okie dokie," Leo chirped and walked straight into a wall.


He was gone.

"What the--" Piper started but suddenly her owl squawked and jerked the cage through the wall.

"Ugh! Heather!" she groaned, chasing after her owl into the wall.

"Pipes?" Jason wondered and hopped in with her.

"Well..." Hazel shrugged and pushed her cart in.

"If Hazel's going, I've gotta go, too," Frank said, pushing himself in.

So I went in. I was just walking in blackness and then... I saw a train.

"Holy shit!" Leo breathed.

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