Chapter 49 || A Bit Too Much Firewhiskey Leads to...

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(A/N: If you view this scene as a little bit on the older side, you can skip it. It does contain content relating to alcohol drinking, but that's just Butterbeer and Firewhiskey, so if you're cool with that, stay. But drunken people are also part of this, which, if you've seen the movies, you should be okay with, but if you don't want to read stuff about drunk people, I suggest you skip it, but it's nothing that serious.)


1 Month Later...

"Got the formula?" Annabeth called, "I'm getting ready! I need you to change her diaper and feed her, okay?!"

"Okay!" I called and walked into the nursery, "Hello, Zoë. Your mom is crazy."

"I heard that!" Annabeth yelled.

"Sorry!" I yelled back.

Zoë laughed and gave me an eyeroll as if to say 'your relationship with mommy is weird'. I lifted her up and pretended to groan.

"Oof, you're so heavy!"

She instantly began to worry at my groan and I sighed in regret.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay! Daddy's okay!"

Zoë stopped and smiled again, giving me a gum-less smile. I put her onto the machine and it began to change her, wrapping her and throwing the stinky diaper away. When she was out onto the tray, I took her off and Zoë began to shove her head down my shirt.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! No, no, no, no, no! Remember, you drink formula now."

Zoë poked her head out from under the shirt and gave me a giggle.

"You crazy little baby," I rolled my eyes and took out the formula powder, mixing it with some water I had stolen from the Great Hall.

I put the nib between her lips and she sucked. I cradled her before walking out to see Annabeth putting on a jacket.

"Now it's time for class," I said, walking out.

McGonnagal was waiting outside.

"And... I presume it's my job... today? To take care of the baby?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, Professor McGonnagal."

She nodded and Zoë laughed, touching McGonnagal's nose. She laughed briefly before briskly walking away with the crazy baby in her arms.


"So..." Thalia walked along the courtyard with all of us, "I was wondering what we should do tonight. It's Friday, after all."

"Yeah..." Malfoy shrugged, "All I know is that most of the eighth years go down to the Leaky Cauldron or Diagon Alley for the bar. They have good Firewhiskey and Butterbeer."

"But Draco," I sighed, "You know I don't drink."

"You don't know how much fun it is!" Hermione shook her head.

"Even you've drank?" I stared in disbelief.

"Every eighth year has drank before. It's really nice, actually."


"Who knows?" Thalia shrugged, "Maybe we'll like it."

"Besides," Hermione raised her eyebrows, "Ron and I have a date there tonight. Maybe you all can come and third wheel."

"But who'll look after Zoë?" I insisted.

"Snape hasn't done it yet. I think he'll be happy to."

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