Chapter 26 || Day 1 Of RDS

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We were all gathered where Dumbledore's Army had first assembled. All the students flooded in. Just as I was about to begin talking, guess who rushed in late? Ronald Weasley.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm late!" he exclaimed as he took his seat.

"Yeah, sorry for me, too. Ron's not the best pocket watch," Harry gasped as he entered.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and I began the lesson.

"Okay," I said, taking out my wand and beginning to write on the board with no chalk, "Welcome to the Riot Defense Squad. This is a course where you'll be learning how to defend yourselves like veterans of war from 8000 BCE!"

"I'm surprised you know about that," Annabeth shrugged, "You couldn't pass second grade with that brain of yours."

"Why thank you."

"And now you see why I said that," Annabeth sighed.


"Why are we learning about this anyways? This is like Dumbledore's Army but without a toad for a professor or a war going on outside!" Harry exclaimed.

Annabeth and I exchanged a glance, so did the rest of the demigods.

"But don't you want to learn new tricks? Dumbledore's Army didn't cover all magical elements, you know. Neither will any course you take in your whole life. Why not take the chance? You've got nothing to lose," Piper reasoned.

"Yeah," I added in, "Besides. Which club is gonna teach you how to fight with actual swords, daggers, arrows, throwing knives, spears, clubs, axes, rifles, pistols, your fist--"

"Okay, we get how many dangerous weapons you can use to kill us," Harry cut me off before I could say anymore.

"The point is, this can be good for you all. Besides, if you don't have your wands I bet you'll probably die in battle. So if you're unarmed... oops. If you learn combat, you can fight with anything around you. Like... even a fan--"

"Don't make me think of Mulan..." Hazel groaned.

"Or a paper. They can make pretty nasty blades," Annabeth nodded, "Science."

"Or even taking a loose nail out from the wall," Frank added.

"So who's up for it?" Nico addressed everyone.

"We're in," Fred and George said at the same time.

"I'm in," Cho said, smiling.

"I'm in," Ron added.

"I'm in," everyone chorused.

"I'm in," the last person we ever expected to hear "yes" from. Harry Potter.


"Improve your stance," I noted to a first year, "Bend your knees more and relax your grip on your sword handle. Don't be so tense."

Annabeth moved a third year's arm, who was holding 12-inch dagger in her hand.

"Make sure to keep it facing forward. It's easier to articulate so you can slash or stab with easy control."

Thalia gently adjusted a fourth-year's aim at a target.

"Keep the bullseye in view. Make sure to remember that you can be shooting at a moving target so anticipate where it can move next. Sometimes they'll try and trick you so I'll teach you a trick to get them from both sides no matter how they run."

Frank was busy teaching one how to use a spear.

"Steady, remember, you need to keep the back steady because they could easily pull and hurt you badly. Don't be afraid to use the blunt end, too. It can stun them enough time for you to skewer them."

Hazel was teaching with a calvary sword.

"These aren't usual swords, but they're pretty useful at times. It's a great handle, so keep your hand securely there, but you don't need to worry too much. Make sure to make use of the pointy part because it can hurt pretty bad. What's good about this sword is that you can articulate it very easily because it's so thin."

I took my place and began to show them how to use a regular sword.

"What's nice about these is that they're even and flat."

"That's what a sword is," Harry crinkled his nose.

"Do you understand it?"

The crowd nodded.

"And that's the beauty of me. I can say gibberish and you would know what I was talking about because I'm such a seaweed brain."

"It's not the only beauty of you," Lavender murmured.

What is up with her? Why are girls so weird? Or am I weird? Who is who? What is what? What is life?


"I don't like how those girls look at you," I said to Annabeth.

"Why?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"They always like making fun of me! Whenever I do something stupid, they laugh and giggle, and whenever I walk by they all stare at me and make doggie slobber."

She was laughing now, holding her stomach and cracking up.


"Seaweed Brain!" she cackled.

"Now they're targeting you because they make fun of me!"

"Seaweed Brain it's the exact opposite of what you're thinking," she was done with her giggle-spree, "They giggle and stare at you because they think you're a total hottie and they all wanna be your sweetheart. They glare at me because they hate that I'm your Wise Girl and they're not. They're jealous of me and they just like you because you're the most perfect man candy!"

This took a while to sink in.

"Oh!" I nodded. Late reactions. Wow, Percy.

"That took you thirty seconds to piece together?" Annabeth chuckled.

"Wait, why don't they glare at me?" I frowned.

"Because you're too scary, Percy. They'd never dare to do it. Except for Harry, of course, because he's such a terrible thing."


"Anyone up for Doritos?" I munched on a pack of Cool Ranch.

"Oh my gods, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth sighed in exasperation.

"I'M UP FOR IT!" Leo grabbed a bag and began to munch happily.

"It's nearing Christmas..." I rubbed my hands together.

"It's December 20th and you're not figuring out what I got all of you," Thalia snickered.

"Me too," I laughed.

"All of us," Annabeth raised her hand and everyone followed suit.

"Well, we'll just have to figure out on Christmas Day, shall we?" Leo grinned.

"Shall we? Don't go grandma on us, Leo!" I mimicked him.

"Oh shut up," Leo pouted.

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