Chapter 38 || Recovering

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"...and it was epic! Annabeth was just like 'THIS IS FOR HURTING MY LOVE AND MY DAUGHTER' and Jacob was like 'AHHHHH EEEEEE OOOOOOOH AHHHHH' and Annabeth was just being a badass and punching like my new nerf gun and--mmph!" Leo was cut off by Hazel.

"You never stop, do you?" Thalia sighed.



Harry. Potter. Oh shit.

"He's good," Annabeth reassured me.

"O-Oh... well... hey, mate!"

"You're turning British," Annabeth stared at me.

I laughed and she hugged me.

"Glad to have you back."


"Alright. Drink it."


"It'll loosen up your bones and muscles so you can move without feeling like your limbs are being cut off."

"Oof, that's a terrible visual."

"Will you shut up?"

"Where am I hurt?"

"Shot in the chest--don't touch that area, we're gonna put a bunch of bandages on it--broken left  ankle, sprained right wrist, fractured all ribs, dislocated knee-cap, and major concussion."

"Not as bad as I thought."

"You're such an idiot like your fiancé says."

"I'm flattered."

"OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP!" Madame Pomfrey exploded and forced the liquid down my throat.

"AHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHPHHHH!" I spluttered and moaned as the liquid made it all over my body.

"What? What? What?"

"It's been three weeks and you still worry?" I laughed.

"Yeah," Annabeth gave me a 'duh' look.

"Over-protective fiancé. Great."

"Well, we're trying to make him walk right now and he's not drinking the goddamn potion so we just pushed it down his throat."

"Oh. Okay, back to your thing, Madame Pomfrey."

Annabeth left. Madame Pomfrey held one of my arms and the nurse held my other. I yelled when my foot touched the floor.

"You have the same reaction Annabeth had. Is it because it's cold?"


"They're so alike."

"I take offense to that," Annabeth and I said at the same time.

"Called it," Fred shrugged from the entry way.

"Out of the way, Weasleys!" Madame Pomfrey snapped.

Right, left, right, left.

"How am I supposed to do this without crutches again?" I stared at them.

"You're going to have crutches. Duh?!" Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes.

Annabeth handed me a flask of nectar and I drank it.

"Thanks, Wise Girl," I sighed.

They handed me crutches and I swung myself around.


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