Chapter 12 || Rubeus Hagrid

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We approached a hut-like structure. Inside, the faint humming could be heard. Percy casually knocked on the door a million times before it was opened by a man practically 9 feet tall.

"Percy! Hello! Come on in! Oh? And who are you? The new transfer students? Why hello! Welcome! So wonderful to have you here at Hogwarts!"

Percy just walked in, sitting down in a massive armchair big enough for three of them to sit on all at once. They watched as a kettle began to screech and steam blasted at the windows. Hagrid took out a few teacups that were for human use and gingerly scooped some tea bags into a clear teapot.

"Would you like some tea?" he offered, "It's around teatime right now. Freshly baked tea cakes!"

"Oh yes please," Leo moaned.

I rolled my eyes but smiled a bit. Leo...

"Peppermint tea."

He began to pour gently into the cups. The first one overflowed so it created a small puddle on the floor.

"Oopsie daisies! I suppose I forget to pour less in these small cups. I don't get too many visitors, after all."

He handed us the cups and I took a sip, not resisting a moan of pleasure. Hagrid then placed a few plates of tea cakes on our laps and sat down in his armchair.

"So," he said, taking a sip out of a cup the size of a pot, "How's your classes coming along?"

"Doing good," Percy lied.

I glared.

"Actually, Percy, you haven't been doing your homework. Reminder: I was the one who had to tell you to do it today," I retorted sharply.

Hagrid let out a chuckle.

"Have you met Hermione Granger? You're an awful lot like her. Got the same smarty pants attitude," he gave a good-hearted laugh.

"She's my half-sister," I replied, taking another sip of my tea, "Our mother had a rather clever obsession over books and decided to pass on the tradition."

"Ah," Hagrid took a sip of his tea, "That explains why Hermione checks out half of the library's books in a year."

"Got any news for us?" Percy asked, shoving the tea cake into his mouth.

I facepalmed.

"Well... thought I saw a muggle roaming into the castle just a few hours ago. Probably... four? Five? I dunno. Might'a been me hallucinating. It is rather hot out here, anyways."

"Oh..." Percy trailed off, "That's... odd."

"Last time a muggle was wanderin' around these parts was during... You Know Who's first time alive."

"W-What's You Know Who? I mean... who's You Know Who?" I asked.

"Oh, we don't speak his name," Hagrid shook his head no, "No siree bob. But one thing's for certain. We've defeated him two times. He couldn't rise again after that. Not after Harry killed him."

"Harry? The kid with a stick?"

"The Boy Who Lived. Got attacked by You Know Who as a baby. His mum, Lily Potter, sacrificed herself for him. Gave up her life. O' course, You Know Who gave her a chance to step aside. There was a prophecy that Harry would be the only thing to bring him down, so he decided to kill him. Nope. Lily Potter didn't budge. So she got killed. Somehow her love and sacrifice lived in his skin and Voldemort got blasted back by his own spell."

"No wonder his ego's the size of this galaxy," Nico muttered.

"Harry? Harry Potter having an ego?"

"Have you been up there recently? He's being a tyrant," Piper said, finishing her tea.

"Really now?"

"Yeah. Even Hermione said it. She just doesn't hang out with them anymore."

"Really?" Hagrid furrowed his eyebrows, "Wow... not like him at all. But I do suppose having so much fame and glory may make him a bit of a snob."

"A bit?" Thalia choked, "He literally harassed Annabeth."

"Harassing? Are we talking about the same Harry?"

"I think so," Percy said, "There's only one Harry Potter."

"So you know so," I said, finishing my tea.

"Yes," Percy said, setting his cup down, "I know so."

"And why'd he flirt with Annabeth?"

"It's pretty clear he doesn't like me," Percy said.

"Everyone likes ya," Hagrid crinkled his nose, "Are you looking at the right one? Round glasses? Lightning scar--"

"I'm pretty sure there's only one Harry Potter. Now... yes, we are talking about that. He just hasn't liked me," Percy interrupted.

"Well... I suggest that you figure out why."

"I think he's jealous," a voice spoke.

They all whipped around to see Hermione at the doorway.

"You need to lock your doors better, Hagrid."

She plopped down on an armchair and pulled out a book.

"I've just been recently reading it. It's called Art of Unnecessary Hatred."

"That's original," Leo muttered.

"You never shut up, do you?" Hermione answered without looking up, "Anyways, it says that when one person is fed with power and favor, they tend to become a tyrant. After that, if someone else that poses as a potential threat to their 'reign', they will automatically loathe that person. It's human nature to feel jealousy."

"So you're saying Harry's really jealous of me," Percy scoffed, "yeah, right."

"It's obvious, Percy," Hermione said, closing the book, "You've got good looks, the girls are obsessed with you, the teachers all like you, you're really powerful and good at pretty much everything even if you don't do your homework... people would dream to be you."

"Me? No way. I'm a seaweed brain. I'm dumb and there's seriously nothing special about me."

"When the time comes, you'll see how powerful you really are. Not everyone is like you, Percy Jackson."

"Name one thing out of those traits you think actually suits me. There's no reason. None of them apply to me."

"Well, if you're so stubborn to not see it, here's one thing that can prove he's just jealous of you."

She pulled out a piece of parchment and showed us all.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team:
Quidditch Captain: Percy Jackson
Keeper: Ron Weasley
Seeker: Percy Jackson
Beaters: Fred and George Weasley
Chasers: Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Jordan, Katie Bell, Oliver Wood, Harry Potter

"Holy shit..." Percy muttered.

Hagrid was peering down at it, too.

"That's the first time in all of Quidditch history they've decided to make a newbie Quidditch Captain. Never happened before. Weird."

"One thing for sure: Harry's pissed."

"Oh, I didn't notice," Percy muttered sarcastically.


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