Chapter 11 || Classes Part 2

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"What's next?"

"Herbology," Percy answered.

"Why are we learning about spices?"

"Not Italian herbs, Nico. Herbs. Like plants."

We entered a greenhouse-like area with tons of exotic plants. Professor Sprout entered.

"Good morning class!"

"Good morning, Professor Sprout!"

"Today, we will be looking at the Bubotuber plant! Can anyone tell me the properties of the Bubotuber plant?"

My hand went up like a rocket.

"Miss Chase?"

"The Bubotuber plant is commonly used as a powerful acne treatment. It's pus is what treats the  acne. The pus must be diluted, because it can irritate your skin, or even burn it. So it is important to wear protective gear."

"How did you know that?" Nico hissed.

"Unlike you lot, I spent all night last night reviewing the textbooks from previous years!"

"You're psychopathic!" Percy hissed.

"Very well done! Thirty points to Gryffindor!"

"I'm psychopathic?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Maybe..." Percy pouted.

"I've handed each of you goggles and facial shields, as well as protective gloves. I want you to watch carefully. You grasp the base of the plant and have your flask ready. You gently squeeze--" yellow pus began to ooze into the flask and everyone made sounds of disgust "--and it should come right out. Afterwards, you should give it a good drink. I have some jugs of dirigible plum juice for you to feed them. Dirigible plum juice will mix in with the living cells in the bubotuber plant and create the pus, alongside the help of another important thing you need to feed to it. Can anyone tell me what? Miss Granger?"

"Shrivelfigs. Shrivelfigs are commonly given to children, but they have laxative properties, as well as inflammatory prevention, and depurative properties. They are also known to clear up mucus. Tastewise, they are quite delicious," she said.

"She's gotta be reading out of a Wikipedia article or something," Percy whispered to me.

"Eh," I shrugged, "She's smart enough to memorize things, Seaweed Brain."

"Miss Chase, Mr. Jackson," Professor Sprout glanced at us, "Less chatting, more planting. Now you simply tear it up, and feed it in. Then, you're done. Leave it in a sunny place for it to develop the pus. Now, everyone, time to plant!"

"Oh dear gods," I groaned.

I looked at the bubotuber with its nasty-looking black skin and twisty figure.

"This is AMAZING!" Neville yelled, squeezing the pus out happily into the flask while everyone else began to gag, "I LOVE HERBOLOGY!"

"Oh, Neville," Percy laughed.

I squeezed and gagged at the smell of the pus. It flooded into the flask in a sulfuric yellow. I quickly put the plum juice in and plopped in torn up pieces of fig. Then, I put it under the sun. When we were finally out of Herbology, I gasped and sighed in relief.

"That smelled horrible!" Leo groaned.

"I won't wanna eat a fig in my entire life again!" Hazel gasped, holding Frank's tie.

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