Chapter 10 || Classes

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We all walked out of our suites, stretching.

"These wizarding robes don't show off my curves!" Leo whined.

"Leo, you have no curves," Thalia sighed.

"Just another day in my life," I muttered to myself.

We walked into Potions and Leo literally screamed.


"Oh dear gods--" Snape was cut off by Leo practically barreling into him and giving him a hug.

Snape sighed and patted Leo's head before pushing him off.

"Now," he said, brushing himself off, "As a warm up, we are going to be making the Draught of Peace potion. Flip to page 156 in your textbooks."

I flipped to the page and blinked a long time at the ingredients.

DRAUGHT OF PEACE - Relieves anxiety and agitation.

2 teaspoons of powdered moonstone
8 - 11 drops of syrup of hellebore
1 teaspoon of powdered porcupine quills
3 teaspoons of powdered unicorn horn
1 liter of Horntail dragon meat broth


Gently stir the Horntail dragon meat broth while heating the bottom of the cauldron. Do take caution. It must be boiling before you are allowed to add in further ingredients. After, stir in the moonstone powder. Make sure it is completely dissolved and that it creates a shimmer in the broth, but not a film on the liquid's surface. Next, add syrup of hellebore. Stir well before adding in the porcupine quill powder and the powdered unicorn horn. Mix well and cool it down. It should be simmered before consuming. Color should be turquoise-blue.

"Okie dokie," I said, taking out my pewter cauldron.

I looked at the broth and tried not to think of Tartarus. I was too lazy to remember the spell for fire, so I just used my water powers discreetly. I looked around and saw Leo gently press his hand against the cauldron and watched as little sparks flashed from time to time. I looked to see mine boiling and added in the moonstone powder, stirring. I looked at Annabeth's. She was busy looking through textbooks and waving her wand, stirring accordingly. Thalia was figuring out how she could light twigs she had placed under her cauldron on fire. Jason was trying to see if he had the right spell. Hazel was discreetly reaching down to "tie her shoe" and grabbing some coal she had mined, plopping it into the fire she had made under the cauldron. Piper was trying to charmspeak the liquid under her breath and Frank was busy holding his stick deep within his robes while taking deep breaths and reassuring himself that he couldn't burn.

Nico? Nico was simply making mini skeletons to help him move things while he just added in ingredients. I finished and Snape waited for everyone. When everyone was done, he pulled out a jar. It wasn't transparent but we could see it rattling.

"Right here, I have enraged caterpillars about to turn into a chrysalis. I will take tweezers and put them on your desk. You are to use the charms you have learned with Professor Flitwick and somehow get it to stay still while you dunk a drop of potion on them."

"Enraged caterpillars?" Annabeth whispered to me.

"I don't know. Probably hormones. You know--"

"Shut up," Annabeth whacked my shoulder.

He placed the caterpillars in front of us.

"What's it gonna do?" Leo peered at it.

It suddenly jerked and leaped onto Leo's nose.


"Valdez..." Snape muttered, but a small smile reached his lips.

I turned to see mine hopping towards the fire.

"Ey! Ey!" I exclaimed, trying to gently poke it away from the fire with my wand.

It hissed and squirmed away.

"Oh, shit."

"Language, Valdez!"

I quickly controlled its water molecules and dropped some potion on it. It immediately stopped resisting and began to peacefully inch towards the waiting capsule. It snuggled up and began to form its chrysalis. Annabeth glared at me as if to say 'you cheated!'. I technically did. Hermione's caterpillar was still squirming but she quickly yelled.


The caterpillar stopped and she dropped her potion on it. The rest of the class followed suit and she rolled her eyes.

"They're never original," she muttered.

"Alright," Snape said, "You're dismissed. Homework is to read pages 157 - 167 in your textbook. There will be a pop quiz."

The whole class groaned and he glared at them.

"Class dismissed."

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