Chapter 36 || Fighting For Life

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"That's it, Annabeth. Slowly," Madame Pomfrey held my arm and I slowly put my foot down on the smooth, tile floor.

It was 6 AM. Typical morning after me waking up at 5 AM with nightmares. The moment my foot touched the floor, I let out a loud hiss.

"What is it?" Piper jolted awake.

"Are you hurt?" Jason followed.

"No, the floor is just cold," I sighed.

"Oh gods," Leo pulled them back to their chairs where they fell back asleep.

Another nurse held my other arm and I placed my other foot on the floor. It was embarrassing, having to have someone hold my arms just so I could put feet on the floor.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of," Madame Pomfrey seemed to read my mind, "Now one step forward."

I slowly moved it forward.


Forward, forward, forward, forward...

"The other nurse is going to let go, okay?"

I nodded and he let go. I felt like topping over but then remembered a special trick. Putting my arms out like a T from the Titanic. I instantly balanced and took a deep breath. Madame Pomfrey smiled.

"Good idea."

She let go and I felt pain between my legs.

"It's okay," Madame Pomfrey assured me, "It'll still be a bit sore for a while. You're all healed up. Don't worry."

I gently shifted the bandages over my head, as my hair was getting pulled by the Velcro. I did it again, and again, before slowly letting my arms down and swinging them back and forth.

"Do you want to go faster?" Madame Pomfrey asked me gently.

I nodded and began to go faster. After two hours, I was walking like a normal person, just with very sore legs and a now-healed ripped hamstring. 

"You're walking!" Piper exclaimed when she woke up.

"Yes, which means I will go back to teaching DADA. So don't dilly dally," I realized I was in a hospital gown, "I'm gonna go change."

"Students will be waking up now," Madame Pomfrey nodded and I got out, walking slowly back to Gryffindor common room.

"Annabeth Chase," Peeves peered down at me, "Have you lost your way?"

"Don't give me wrong directions," I interrupted him.

He laughed and flew off. I shook my head and said the passcode. I walked into my suite and changed into some comfortable clothing, as Madame Pomfrey instructed. Some loose sweatpants, lined inside because I was warned of unexpected blood flow, and a hoodie. I walked into Potions and everyone stared in surprise at me.

"Does it hurt?"

"How's Percy?"

"How was it?"

"Who did that to you?"

"How old was your baby?"

"As I appreciate all of your concern for Ms. Chase, she is not an object," Snape drawled.

I nodded gratefully and took a seat.


I stared at the clips, bored, because I'd been struggling for too long and was now too tired to carry on. I stared at the images and when it landed on Jacob, I scowled. Me being here was all his fault. It was all his fault my daughter now roamed the fields of Elysium. All alone. I glared at the clip and realized... I was staring through Voldemort's eyes! What the heck?!

"Master, I managed to shoot Percy in the chest. Fatally wounded him. I heard that he's now in a coma with a 25% chance of making it out alive. He's out of the way now."

"But with a 25% chance of coming back and ending us all," Voldemort--well, I--hissed.

"But 25% chance will probably not happen."

"It might. And might is a dangerous word."

"But it isn't probable. With the spirit of Comas on our side, he will never make it out."

"Fine," Voldemort hissed, "but you still let out our prisoners alive mind you, and that is a deed that cannot be forgiven for now."

Voldemort stood up and left, approaching Kronos and Hyperion.

"The boy is as good as dead," Voldemort informed them.

"YUS!" Hyperion threw his fist in the air.

"75% in a coma. Dead," Kronos rolled his eyes.

"Fate was never in his hands. And the spirit of coma is now on our side so it doesn't matter whether he's dead or with him," Voldemort hissed.

Suddenly, I was thrown out and into the black area I was at before.

"You know him," I said.

Yes... I did. I knew Kronos. Served alongside him but never purposefully put children into comas.

"Well why are you with him if you think it's cruel?"

I am part of the Titan family, just turned into spirit by Tartarus, who believed I shouldn't have an existence, but since I do, I'm in the comatose form.

"Why don't you go to the good side?"

I can't. The least I can do is let you out of my abyss but I can't do that immediately.

"Oh, so what you're gonna do apparently is just wait until the battle's over until you will let me go?"

No, young hero. I haven't helped you yet. If that is what you wish for my help, then I will grant it to you. But my "help" might not be "help" to you.

"What does that mean?"

You may not like being alive.

"I don't want to be dead!" I exclaimed.

Well, sometimes death is better than life.


I walked back to the Gryffindor common room, sitting down on Percy's suite bed because mine was too far away. I fell on my butt and rolled around to examine his items. I took out one of his shirts and smelled it. I shifted on the pillow, but realized it wasn't fluffed, so I proceeded to fluff it. I felt something underneath, so I looked at it.

It was a letter. A piece of parchment with inky words written on it.

Dear Wise Girl,

I guess this is one of coma's gifts to me. He allowed me to write you a letter in spirit. But what I want to let you know is that I love you and that I'm gonna make it out of that bed. Also, Voldemort is really angry that Jacob let us go so easily, even if he'd already done a lot of damage. Keep your head held high and lead us through to battle. They think I'm dead. They'll let spies into the walls, so make sure you don't let any more people appear at school and examine every family tree to figure out which people to test for the dark mark. We need to keep this school safe. So for now, to everyone, I am as good as dead.

Seaweed Brain

I took a deep breath and stared at the paper.

"I don't know what game you're trying to play, Seaweed Brain, but it's the best we've got so far," I sighed and went to bed.

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