Chapter 8 || Reunited With The Squad

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While being on a train, there's not much you can do. But trust me. Leo was finding things to do. He was balancing spoons on his nose, playing with the trolley-lady while dancing to "Feliz Navidad" even if it wasn't Christmas, Casually lighting his fingers on fire and touching marshmallows, even yapping on and on and on about how that hill looked like a carrot. And finally, they were at Hogwarts.

"Whoa!" Frank exclaimed.

"It's huge!" Nico echoed, "Damn!"

"THE DAM CASTLE!" Thalia snickered.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. We all got off and got to the boats, where we casually and peacefully glided over water with no one even rowing the boats. Just your typical day at a new school that isn't even school, it's a wizarding school where they learn how to turn people into pumpkins.

"I really hope they have chocolate fudge. If they don't there are some serious issues we need to discuss," Leo was yapping about food.

Probably because we were all starving. When we finally got on land, we were greeted by Professor Dumbledore.

"Annabeth! Hello! Hello, Piper! Hello, Jason! Welcome everyone! Welcome to Hogwarts! They've just gathered for the assembly!"

"W-What assembly?" Jason furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your assembly! Where we introduce you all!"

Leo licked his palm and spread it all over his hair.

"Ew..." Nico trailed off.

"I'm ready," Leo saluted.

"I was warned about you," Dumbledore smiled and just lead the way.

We were in front of a room.


We were all gathered in the Great Hall, where I was just casually sitting next to Hermione and the Weasley twins. I watched as Dumbledore entered.

"Please, welcome, our eight transfer students! From America!"

I almost felt like flying up to the ceiling and bonking my head and getting a concussion because I got to see my friends and on top of that my WISE GIRL! I saw the doors open and they casually walked in. I saw Annabeth scanning the crowds until she spotted me.


Damn, that blonde is hot... I watched as she scanned the crowds. Probably looking for me. She finally landed eyes on something. I followed her gaze but before I could she was racing forward and guess who was, too? Percy Jackson. Jerky Jackson. Beef Jerky Jackson. They met in a kiss and he swung her around. How. Dare. He. They kissed for a long time before pulling apart.

"Gods, I missed you--" Percy started but then the blonde judo-flipped him and he slammed against the floor.

Everyone gasped out and she put her forearm on his chest, eyes burning with anger. I smirked. Knew it. This blonde has some smarts for her hair color.

"If you ever dare leave me again like that... I warned you last time..." she was growling loud enough for everyone to hear.

Instead of shrinking in fear like everyone else, he laughed. He had the audacity to laugh. He was just cracking up and the blonde's lips twitched up in a smile. She got off of him, but not before planting a kiss on his nose.

"You're a real seaweed brain. You know that?" she said, pulling him to his feet.

"I noticed that at age twelve, Wise Girl," he said, brushing himself off.

"Perce!" some Latino kid patted him on the back, "Damn you! You had us worried sick back at c--"

"School?" Percy cut him off, "Oof."

"Percy!" some blonde Superman-looking dude hugged him.


A punk girl with black hair and electric blue eyes charged.

"Oh shit--" Percy was cut off by her tackling him to the floor.

She was just punching him at this point and for some reason I thought I saw blue sparks lighting up her knuckles.


Percy had a few burn marks on him.

"Jeezo Thals... I missed this! I can't believe I actually--AHHHHHHH WHOA OKAY I DON'T MISS THIS!" the girl grabbed his shoulder so tight it could've easily snapped off.

He got up off of the ground and Dumbledore took the stage again.

"This is Annabeth," he motioned to the blonde, "This is Thalia," he motioned to the punk girl, "This is Nico," he motioned to an emo boy with an aviator jacket, looking really bored and annoyed with seeing people, "This is Jason," he pointed to blonde Superman, "This is Leo," he looked at the Latino kid.


"And I'm Piper," a pretty Cherokee girl cut him off, slamming a hand over his mouth.

"And I'm Hazel," a girl with golden eyes said.

"I'm Frank," an Asian dude said.

"You will welcome them just like you welcomed Percy. Have a nice day!"


"You have got to see the giant squid who pulls people into the creek. I do it all the time! It's so fun!" I exclaimed to all of them.

"How the f**k are we supposed to keep up here?" Thalia asked, chewing blue gum, "Also why does this taste like green apple if this is blue?"

"Don't ask me... as the person who dyed it," I shrugged, remembering me smothering blue food coloring on each strip.

"Where are we sleeping?" Nico looked around, "Damn... there are so many people!"

"Well, there's a special suite section opened up for us. We each have our own suite. It's next to the boys' dormitories. Honestly, it's pretty cool."

"Okay," Jason shrugged.

Suddenly, the stairs began to move.

"HOLY F**KING SHIT!" Leo practically almost fell over the rail.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I cleared my throat, "Language! There are eleven-year-olds here!"

We reached the doors. That's when... you guessed it. Harry decided he was going to join the game.

"Hello, beautiful," he said.

I thought he was talking to me but when I followed his gaze, I realized he was looking at Annabeth. My Wise Girl.

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