Chapter 17 || Quidditch Practice

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It was 5 AM when the lights finally flickered back on. And I was relieved. Professor Dumbledore came in saying that no one was harmed, but there was something we should see. So we came out and followed him.

"The murderers left a... message that must be removed immediately."

We stared in horror at the blood on the wall. It was the Dark Mark.

"It seems he was here," Professor McGonnagal said.

"Get it off the walls. No one can see it," Snape said.

Dumbledore made it disappear and cleared his throat.

"Go back to your classes now," he said, "It's been hectic enough without them panicking."

We all rushed over to the dormitories to do our regular routines.


We were all coming out of Magical Creatures.

"Let's go to Hagrid's!" Leo suggested.

"Sorry, I can't," Percy said, strapping a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Why not?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's Quidditch. I've gotta go to practice."

"What's Quidditch?"

"Oh you've got to see," Percy chortled, "Why don't you come and watch?"

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Why not?"

We followed him over to the Quidditch fields and what we saw amazed us.


There were hoops so tall and gleaming they could compete with the statue of liberty's pedestal, people zipping through the air on all different kinds of brooms wearing gold and red jerseys, and a huge chest sitting in the center of the field. Percy threw on his jersey and took out his own broom and zipped off into the sky.

"Aw!" Leo whined, "I wanna be up there!"

They were all running laps and I sat down on one of the bleachers.

"Let's watch," Thalia suggested.

Percy swooped down and unlocked the chest. It seemed to rattle. The Weasley twins swooped down next to him and took out two clubs. Percy blew a whistle around his neck.

"Alright! Uh... lets divide us up, shall we?"

"Shall we?!" Leo called from the bleachers, "Since when did you go grandma on us, Perce?!"

"Leo!" Thalia smacked his arm.

"Hey, hey, hey! Sorry!"

"Honestly," Piper sighed.

"Anyways, We have... five chasers? So we'll have two and two, and Wood can just be a keeper again because we only have one, then I'll be the seeker for both teams because my task is simple--"

"Why can't I be the seeker?" Harry called out.

"Ugh," I groaned.

"Well, because you are a chaser this time, Harry... and also because if you were to become a second seeker, one team would have only one chaser and that's not fair, is it?"

"But you can just have Wood be the chaser--"

"But who's gonna guard the second goal? Exactly. Now, let's just get into line and stop the grandma squabbling."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Harry flipped the middle finger up secretly behind his back.

"Alright! Fred, George, you'll each be a beater on separate teams. Don't actually go hit anyone, though."

"GO!" he blew his whistle and a ball flew out of the chest.

A big one. Two smaller ones flew out after it and then, a small, tiny, golden ball. It flitted around the whole arena. The game began. Percy was looking around, above everyone else. The chasers were handling the big ball, and trying to throw it into the hoops. Lee Jordan was sitting there, keeping track of the score. Angelina scored into Wood's hoop and the bell chimed.

"Twenty points!"

The game went on. Suddenly, Percy dove and began to speed around the court, sticking out his arm to catch something.

"Whoa!" I gasped when I realized what he was trying to catch.

A small golden ball. The tiny one. It quickly went up and Percy followed, eyes focused, hair flying back, jaw clenched. The ball seemed to be teasing Percy, really. Harry was staring at Percy, which was making Andrew's job a lot harder. Alicia and Katie were helping Angelina and basically destroying Wood. Finally, Percy slammed his hand down and twisted a bunch of times on his broom. He held it up for all to see.


Katie began to cheer loudly and Ron threw his fist up in the air.

"DO IT AGAIN!" Lee yelled and Percy blew the whistle.


"So?" Percy asked on the way back, "Whadaya think?"

"Awesome!" Thalia yelled, punching Percy's arm.

"Percy!" Harry yelled.

"Oh, gotta go," Percy rolled his eyes.

"He's Harry. You just ignore him."

"Ah," Percy shrugged, "It's okay."

He jogged off.


What the heck does this dude want from me?

"What?" I asked as I approached.

"You can't make everything go in your favor," he spat.

"Uh... what?"

"That whole thing! It was just something to make you seem glorious! Something to make you seem popular! Well guess what?! EVERYONE HATES YOU! YOU SHOULD JUST GO ROT IN HELL! YOU'RE DATING A HOTTIE WHO DOESN'T DESERVE YOU! YOU'RE IN A QUIDDITCH POSITION YOU DON'T DESERVE! GO ROT IN THE LIVING BLOODY HELL WITH ALL THE BLOODY MONSTERS TO RIP YOUR APART! You're worth nothing more than that."

My mind spun. No, not because of what he said. I don't care if he's angry. I was thinking of Tartarus. And there was no way out. Harry was already leaving as I tried to block it out of my mind. He was gone. It was just me out on the Quidditch fields. I couldn't move. I was seeing the flashbacks. It was too late. I couldn't draw out now. My last thought before I lost complete vision over the Quidditch fields was long and dirty.


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