Chapter 25 || Dumbledore's Army

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We were walking over to the common room.

"Ugh, we have NEWTs," Percy groaned.

"We already know everything. There's literally nothing to be afraid of," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You know everything," Nico sighed, "The rest of us have been sleeping in class--"

"Yet you still get all good grades," I cut in.

"You should've seen everyone's grades in DADA during Year 5. People only got good grades on fighting and were able to take the sixth year because of Dumbledore's Army. Dolores Umbridge made sure that we didn't learn how to fight at all," Hermione scoffed.

"Dumbledore's Army? Do you mean the Order of the Phoenix?"

"No... that's a different group. Dumbledore's Army is a group that Harry, Ron, and I made back in our fifth year because we weren't getting any education on fighting and You Know Who was back but the ministry didn't want to believe us."

"Harry?" I scoffed, "Him?"

"He used to be a nice guy," Hermione shrugged, "Dunno what happened. But I knew him when he was 15. Super talented. Could produce a patronus."

"Well... it's happening again."

"His body isn't there yet."

"Yeah..." Hermione nodded, "I'm just thinking about it... again... We do need to train these students for the worst."

"But then they'll know about You Know Who's rising. And that's bad," I responded.

"You know what I don't get?" Percy rolled his eyes, "I don't get why it's a bad thing. They should know what's going on."

"Yeah, but if they know you're a horcrux they're just gonna be scared of you!"

"They're already scared of me! I speak f**king snake language!"

"Language!" Hermione slapped his arm.

"What? My fiancé's getting married to a snake!"

"You're not a snake and it's not your fault!" Hermione rolled her eyes, "We can just call it Dumbledore's Army again--"

"Well that sounds like we're actually going into war. We need a different name," Percy replied.

"Well... maybe... Dumbledore's Dueling Club--" Leo started but Hermione made a gagging noise.


"Don't remind me."

"Of what?"

"Second year. Professor Lockhart. Oh my gods that was awful!"


"Gilderoy Lockhart," Hermione mimicked his voice.

"Oh my gods, he sounds awful," Percy gagged.

"Exactly. How about the Riot Squad?" Piper suggested.


"That sounds like we're having a rebellion or something," I sighed.

"The Riot Defense Squad!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Perfect!" Hermione exclaimed, "We can refer to it as the RDS!"

"Great! Start making your pins!" I exclaimed and began to usher Hermione into her dormitory so she could begin.


"THERE'S A TEST GUYS! HERMIONE'S SQUEALING!" Ron exclaimed from the main common room.

"THERE'S NO TEST RONALD!" Hermione screamed from her dormitory.

"Oof, maybe there is gonna be one if she tries teaching some things in class," Percy snickered.

A pillow came flying into his face.

"I heard that!" Hermione exclaimed.

A tweet sounded near the window and I saw Percy's owl.

"Oh, Percy! It's for you!" I exclaimed, grabbing the letter and petting the blueish gray owl.

Percy frowned and took it from me.

"Oh, it's from Mom!"

He walked into his suite to read it.


I excitedly opened the letter and read it.

It's nice to know that you haven't destroyed this school. It's the first time so I sent a basket of blue cookies along with this letter--well, the ones Estelle didn't eat already. I only had one child, Percy. That was you. I didn't have any other children before you. I don't get how Poseidon's eyes could've been with this "girl" but I didn't meet him or have any offspring until the year 1993, and that's when you were born. Are you sure you weren't hallucinating? I remember there was one night when the whole apartment was a mess and there was rain pouring in and you were crying. I hope it's all going okay over there. Stay safe, okay?


Then, there was really messy handwriting.

Percy I lov yoo - Estelle

I grinned and kissed the paper.

"I love you, too, Estelle," I chuckled.

I tucked the letter away and frowned, staring at my wooden table. If I didn't have a sister, who was I seeing that night? That day? That afternoon? I didn't even know when it was or how old I was when it happened. I had absolutely no idea what to do. How could I have been protected by something that didn't exist?


"Join the RDS! Riot Defense Squad! Fill out this form!" Hermione yelled into the flowing trail of students.

The professors were having a day off and there were just ghosts to look after us. Students were ignoring us.

"I'm in it!" I yelled.

All the girls flooded over. Ginny was the first one up.

"If this is Ron's idea, I'm gonna kill him," she laughed and signed the form.

"I'm in it!" Annabeth yelled and some boys came over.

"I'm in it!" Piper yelled.

More boys.

"I'm in it!" Thalia yelled.

All the boys came. Thalia stared in disgust as one stared at her butt.

"Ew!" she exclaimed, slapping his face.

"Here's your pin," Hermione handed them all out.

"Oh shoot, I'm running out of pins!" she exclaimed.

"It's okay!" I laughed, "Not everyone has to look like a lawyer all the time."

"Oh shut up!" Hermione exclaimed.


I slipped into bed, ready for a dream.

I was back in the room, watching the scene unfold again. Green light and a girl jumping in front of me. I noticed for the first time what she was wearing. Her feet were bare and she was wearing a white nightgown, her skin pale and white enough to rival the dress. Her hair was flowing behind her and she was wearing... a familiar looking leather knot from the back of her neck. It could just be a coincidence. Everyone wears leather necklaces.

She was screaming. Yelling at a figure right in front of her with no nose or hair. Not even lips. After the green light, I saw clips of her laughing and running around in familiar-looking sand. But I wasn't there.

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