Chapter 27 || Happy Christmas

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They are never figuring out what I'm getting them for their Christmas presents. I had already put them under the tree a week ago. If Leo thinks I didn't see him sneak presents under the tree last night he is very mistaken. But what I was most excited for was my Wise Girl's gift. Of course, she had made me spend a fortune on her because I can't help myself.

 Of course, she had made me spend a fortune on her because I can't help myself

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What?! You can't expect me not to get Annabeth a bag to put all that stuff in, right? She's gotta have something to put her laptop in! I woke up the morning of Christmas thinking it was a regular day

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What?! You can't expect me not to get Annabeth a bag to put all that stuff in, right? She's gotta have something to put her laptop in! I woke up the morning of Christmas thinking it was a regular day. But no, it was the day I got to see every 8th year Gryffindor's  faces when they see what I bought each and every one of them. Yes, I bought every 8th year Gryffindor a Christmas present.

So when I realized it was Christmas, I began my protocol. First thing: switch all the lights on. I pulled the light switch and the whole room lit up. Second thing: Grab the megaphone. Third thing: Yell into it as loud as I can because I know only the eighth years are in Hogwarts right now.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I yelled before blasting Ariana Grande through the speakers.


Everyone was groggily climbing out of their dormitories and suites, looking for the person to kill. When everyone was out, I smirked and turned off the music.

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