Chapter 52 || Fighting Monsters At the RDS

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HARRY POTTER(I haven't been focusing on him and I'm guilty for it :))

Okay, this war is a lot scarier than the first war I was in. Now we have to learn how to fight Ancient Greek monsters?! I don't even speak Ancient Greek! How on Earth am I supposed to be able to fight them?!

"Can I have your attention!" Annabeth yelled.

God, she's beautiful--Harry! Stop it! Percy's your frien--ally now! Stop being weird about his wife!

"We will be teaching you how to by giving you each a private mentor. It'll be faster this way. I've assembled my camp here, as you all should know, and I'm going to randomly pair you up with them. They'll teach you all there is to know about today's topic: hellhounds. Hellhounds are...dangerous. They're a common monster, so don't expect there to be little amounts of these when you go into battle," Percy said.

"Can anyone tell me what a hellhound is?" Annabeth asked.

No one.

"A hellhound is a dog from the Underworld. The only two good hellhounds we know of are Cerebus, who guards the gates to the Underworld, and Mrs. O'Leary."

"Mrs. O'Leary?" I asked out loud.

"Yeah. Mrs. O'Leary is a hellhound we got from Daedalus. She's super sweet and makes... a good shower of dog slobber."

"Yes. She's amazing," Hazel laughed, "So today, we'll be learning how to fight them using holograms."

Frank waved his wand and a hologram of a hellhound appeared.


"Relax! Relax! Relax!" Piper charmspoke us, "It's not real."

She stuck her hand through it for demonstration.

"Okay! Let's get started! Look at your partner on the board!"

I stared at mine. Uh...

Percy Jackson - Harry Potter

Annabeth Jackson - Ginny Weasley

Hermione Granger - Ronald Weasley

Travis Stoll - Fred Weasley

Connor Stoll - George Weasley

Oh god...

"Oh... uh... hi," I stuttered.

"Hey. I know we started off on the wrong page, but we're allies, at least. Right?"

"Y-Yeah..." I stuttered again, "Sorry, just a bit uh... awkward."

"It's okay," Percy laughed, "Okay, so put your legs more apart, and pick up a sword. I'll show you first, and you copy."

The hologram appeared and Percy took out his sword, beginning to do a slow version. The hellhound attacked at him from the top and he rolled under while slicing with his knife so that the hellhound died that way.

"That's one way. Try, but be sure to be quick because if you wait too long the hellhound can sit on you."

I tried and I guess I wasn't fast enough because I was a bunch of light just sitting on my face.

"Good, good, good. Just try and be faster. It gets better after you practice some times."

I swallowed my pride and followed his instructions. I still got squashed, but Percy helped me back up

"Doing great. Just a tad bit faster. You're almost there."

I tried again, determined. Finally, I wasn't squashed.

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