Chapter 33 || Mission Percabeth

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I woke up to see blood in my eyes. I realized I had been moved underneath Percy, so now his blood was just dripping onto my face and all over my clothes.

"Awake already? Aw, I wanted to have some fun."

"Don't you dare, Jacob."

"How long was I asleep?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Six days. Jackpot for me. You've been gone for half a month and they haven't noticed."

"They've noticed," Percy grunted, "They've noticed and they're coming."

"More demigod flesh for us, then. Great."

"But they'll kill you," Percy whispered weakly, "They'll kill you."

"Just like we killed your stamina? Oh... I thought you were better but you're crying like the baby. you are."

"Don't you ever call him a baby again!" I growled.

"Or should I?" Jacob pouted, "Should I? Can you taste what's in your mouth?"

I licked my lips. Over the taste of blood, I tasted something like sewers.

"Did you dump the sewers in my mouth?!" I gagged.

"No! I made out with you!"

"WHAT?! EW!"

Jacob cackled and left.

"I'm sorry, Percy," I whispered, "I should've listened to you."

"It's okay, Wise Girl. Even I didn't expect it."


"What we need to do is fight back! Get those two out of there!" I exclaimed.

"But how?! He wants demigods to go!"

"I'll go!" Kylie yelled.

"Me, too!" Harper yelled.

"Count me in!"

"Just send two demigods! The rest of us have to stay here."

"Hazel and Nico? They can shadow-travel out if something goes wrong," Piper suggested.

"I'll come," I volunteered, "I can electrocute people."

"Okay... so that leaves Jason, Frank, and me back here to look after the rest of the students."

"Yep," Hermione nodded, "I'll be staying with Draco in the other half of Hogwarts, along with Snape and Hagrid."

"Cool," Piper nodded, "Good luck, guys. Bring us back our seaweed brain and wise girl."

We took off.

"Okay, what we first need to establish is where they are being kept. We have absolutely no idea what place Voldemort would keep his victims."

"Well... their camp?"

"Death Eaters are probably swarming about. Look at the sky to see if you can see black ink streaks."

"O-Okay..." Hazel ducked deep within the shadows.

We watched.


Whipping. Not so bad after all, but I think I won't have scars because my skin will be one big scar. Or maybe I won't scar because Aphrodite's gonna be nice to me. I stared straight ahead as Voldemort used various spells on me. Finally, he gave up and switched his attention over to the only other person in the room. Annabeth.

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