Chapter 5 || More Classes...

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I grabbed a seat in Professor McGonnagal's classroom.

"That cat..." Hermione whispered to me, "It's her."

"Transforming cats?" I muttered, "Just my cup of tea."

"Why thank you for that assessment, Mr. Jackson," Professor McGonnagal came over, adjusting her glasses.

"Yo," Percy grinned and she gave an exasperated sigh.

"I was warned about you," she said strictly, straightening her back, "Welcome to Hogwarts. I assume your day has been alright so far? No tardies?"

"Nope," Percy shrugged, "Not at all."

"Good," she nodded her head, "Now sit down and stop tapping your foot. It's driving me mad."

I sat down and she took out her wand.

"Take your wands out. I want you to learn a new simple spell to start off the year. We will be turning oranges into a cup of orange juice. You have your critters and your oranges?"

"Yes!" Hermione held them up.

"Well, start with the water goblet part. Vera Verto," she instructed.

"Vera Verto," I said perfectly and it turned into a water goblet.

"Eighth year and yet my second years can be better than you."

"Thank you!" Ron yelled.

"Weasley, zip your lips. Anyways... For the juice. I want you to say this loudly and clearly. Fructum Sucus."

I snickered. That was just Latin for "fruit juice".

"Fructum Sucus," I said and the juice spilled into the cup.

"Very well done! Impressive! Ten points to Gryffindor."

Hermione did it and Professor McGonnagal nodded in approval.

"Five points to Gryffindor."

"FRUCTUUUUUUUUUM SUUUUUUUUCUS!" Harry practically yelled.

His orange just exploded all over him while the class began to laugh. He was pouting and Professor McGonnagal facepalmed.

"Continue," she sighed.

I yawned as she continued talking about owls. And I fell asleep.


I saw Percy just fall asleep in class and rolled my eyes. He'll never pass any exam in his life. Instead of yelling at him, Professor McGonnagal sighed, patting his hair before continuing her lesson like nothing had happened. I just stared with my jaw dropped open. When class was over, Percy just lifted his head and got up, walking out of the room as if he didn't just fall asleep in class.

He was laughing with Hermione. My friend. They just walked down the hall and disappeared in the crowd of students. I followed. I saw girls all stopping as Percy walked by and beginning to giggle like they had caught some sort of... flirtatious virus. The nerve of that guy! Ron appeared next to me.

"Hey... you good?"

"Good," I replied.

"We've gotta get to Dark Arts," he said, walking down the hall.

All the guys were all talking about Percy. It bothered me. I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and strangle him. STRANGLE HIM. 

"Do you know who the new Dark Arts teacher is?" I asked him.

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