Chapter 20 || It Could Go Wrong or Right...

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Piper had pushed Leo into the closet for him to change, touching up herself in the process. Suddenly, Jason burst in.

"Piper, major problem. A bird literally just stole one of the scavenger hunt papers."

"Shit! Do you remember the riddle?"

"How am I supposed to do that?!" Jason exclaimed.

"Ugh! Uh... which stop?"

"Number three. I think that one is--"

"The courtyard fountain. I forgot which riddle brings her to the common room... ARGH! NO!"

"Hey, hey, hey," I said, "Let's not panic. Just go hunt down the bird. You know where it went?"

"Yep," Jason said.

"Well use those flying powers and chase it already! We don't have all day!" Piper pushed him out of the room."


It was chaos.


We were sitting in the library when Thalia suddenly stared up.


"Nothing," Hermione interrupted.

"You know, I'm gonna go check up on Percy. The seaweed brain's gotta have something going wrong. Especially with that head w--"

"He's fine," Thalia pushed me back down in the chair.

"What do you mean he's fine? He's never fine all the time! He's probably knocking over some important statue right now!"

"Just sit down. He's gonna be fine."


I this proposal does not go perfect I am going to be the worst friend in this whole world. I watched as Percy walked forward and stared in horror as he bumped into the statue just made by the house elves. It was of Percy and Annabeth kissing and it shattered on the floor.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yelled, "DOBBY THE STATUE IS BROKEN! WE NEED ANOTHER ONE!"

"That'll take time, miss," he said, "At least another five hours."

I looked at the time. It was one in the afternoon.

"Hurry! Hurry hurry hurry! We've got to save it!"

I reached for my earpiece and dialed in with Thalia.

"Thalia, we need more time."

"How long? She already wants to get out of the library and see Percy."

"Five hours."


"Thalia is everything okay?" Annabeth's voice got in.

"Oh uh... yeah... just saw something cool in this book."

"Ooh! Lemme see!"

"How am I supposed to keep her contained for five hours?"

"You know, I'm really running out of options, Thals. Just keep her in there for the next five hours. No matter what. Just don't ruin her makeup or hair or dress."

I shut Thalia off and checked over to Jason.

"How's it going with the bird--"


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