Chapter 4 || First Day of Classes

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We were finally beginning classes. Finally, a chance to show that Jackson jerk up. I glanced at my schedule. Potions class first. With Snape.

"Noooooooooo," Ron groaned, "No not with him!"

"I suggest you hold your tongue. There are Slytherins crossing this hallway," Hermione said.

"What was that with you and Percy last night? Did you go back to the girls' dormitories?" Ron narrowed his eyes.

"Don't go jealous on me, Ronald," she rolled her eyes, "Percy and I are just friends and we were discussing some things about his... friend."

"You say it as if--" I started but she cut me off.

"Why do you always act as if you have to know everything? I've said enough!"

She stormed away.

"She's probably on her period," I whispered to Ron.

"I AM NOT ON MY PERIOD!" she screamed and practically threw a stray toad onto my robes.

"EW!" I screamed throwing it to Ron, who threw it to me, who threw it to him... then the toad jumped out of Ron's hands and into Neville's.

"Trevor!" he shrieked happily.

"Oh god," Ron whispered and they ran into Potions class.

It was ten minutes into class when someone walked in. You guess it. Percy.

"Jackson," Snape said, "Late."

But what was so strange was that Snape was smiling slightly.

"Oh god," Ron trembled, "He's gonna deduct us at least 100 points!"


We all looked around. Who was Sevy? His imaginary girlfriend?

"SEVY! SEVY! SEVY! SEVY!" he yelled, practically skipping over to where Snape was standing.

Then... he did the most horrifying thing imaginable. He hugged Snape. Everyone in the whole class burst out gasping and screaming because Snape was smiling, patting Percy's arm. And Snape's smile is something scarier than Voldemort's nose. Oh wait... he doesn't have a nose.

"Alright Jackson," he pushed Percy off of him, "Enough. Just take a seat."

"Konichiwa!" Percy yelled and sat down next to Hermione, who gave him a playful shove on the shoulder while they whispered.

"He didn't deduct any points?" I hissed, "That's impossible!"

"Dunno mate," Ron shrugged, "I'm gonna go third wheel."

Ron stood up to move seats.


Snape was staring at him.

"Why are you moving seats? You have a perfectly seat next to Potter."

"Uh... I wanna sit next to Hermione... and Percy," he added in quickly.

"To have a love affair? I think not. Five points from Gryffindor."


"No buts," Snape glared.

"Lighten up, Sevy," Percy rolled his eyes, "You should just deduct one. Or even none. It's not that big of a deal."

Snape's lips pressed into a thin line before he sighed in defeat.

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