Chapter 53 || Back At Hogsmede

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"Hoo hoo hoo," Leo whistled when we came out of our suite, "You guys look lit."

He lit his hands on fire for dramatic effect.

"Thanks, Leo. It was Zoë's fashion sense that got us to be the blue puffer family," I laughed as Annabeth put Zoë down on the floor, where she half crawled half waddled.

"She's a fast learner," Piper remarked, "Got Annabeth's brains."


"We all know it, Percy," Annabeth gave me a smirk.

"Exactly," I grinned.

"Let's hope our baby gets my brain so it can be as smart as Zoë."

"Hey!" Jason pouted.

"Hey," Piper kissed his cheek, "I still love you Sparky."

When Piper walked away to go say hi to Hazel, I smirked.

"When are you gonna propose, Sparky?"

"Ah!" he jumped, "Propose? What? I mean..."

"You already have the ring..." I smirked at him.

"How did you--"

"You sleepwalk," Annabeth finished for me.

"Yep. So when? You should at least be fiancés or husband and wife before you get that baby."

"Yeah," Annabeth nodded, "I've already started coming up with names. It's a lot easier after you get married."

"Really?" Jason crinkled his nose.


"Well, I'll propose. I just don't think we're having a wedding so late into a war."

"Okie dokie. Harry's coming with us to Honeydukes today and everywhere around Hogsmede if you're wondering who's coming."

"Well let's get going," Piper put on her pink earmuffs.

"I'll get the stroller," Annabeth said, grabbing the gray stroller from the suite and setting Zoë into it.

Zoë wailed a little bit but I covered her with a gray blanket and twirled her mobile and she instantly calmed down. On top of that, I put her blue pacifier in her mouth. She suckled happily, staring in awe at the spinning display of owls, tridents, spears, and fish.

"A bit violent for a baby mobile," Hazel noted.

"Clarisse would kill us if we didn't have it."

"Well, let's go!" I laughed, "The line will be too long!"

We all raced there, stopping to get in line.

"You're bringing your baby to Hogsmede?" Snape stared and Zoë's focus flitted to him.

He didn't even smile.

"Sevy! You're gonna scare the baby!" Annabeth hissed.

Instead, Zoë's lips formed into the biggest smile and she began to laugh hysterically, reaching out a finger as Snape bent down for her to touch his nose. His lips twitched up in a slight smile.

"You can go on now," he said.

He waved goodbye to Zoë and she waved back before looking at the mobile, still spinning.

"Cover her face," Hazel put down the hamper shields, "she won't want to see her parents going crazy with sugar."

I covered her shield and made sure the mobile was still spinning inside.

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