Chapter 51 || Ambush

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I was simply taking a stroll through the halls when I felt something at my foot. I looked down to see a huge snake. It hissed to me. And hissed and hissed.

"My name is Nagini... I will kill you... I serve my dark lord..."

Frick. I mist-traveled far away from her and took out my sword. I sliced at her but she deflected, nearly catching my hand. I leaped farther away, panic seeping into my bones. I ran for it. I ran deep into the Dark Forest until I was face to face with two Death Eaters.

"Ah... Percy Jackson."

I heard the snake and saw it open its jaws. It was dark, so I jumped out of the way and let Nagini take down the Death Eater to the right. I killed the other with the killing curse and mist-traveled away. Nagini hopefully thought she had gotten me. Annabeth stared at me.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Nagini... Voldemort's snake. She came and literally tried to kill me."

"Well, I'm glad you're alright but--"


We turned to see Death Eater dark clouds filling the sky.

"RUN!" I yelled and we ran for it, "STUDENTS GET YOUR ARMOR ON! THEY'RE ATTACKING!"

Harry was out in an instant.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" he yelled and the Death Eater was killed, toppling over onto the floor.

"Stupefy!" Hermione was suddenly there.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Stupefy!" Neville yelled and Bellatrix fell from the sky.

"STUPEFY!" Bellatrix howled and shot it at me.

I ducked and it hit the Death Eater behind me.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I was almost hit.

Ginny was suddenly there.

"Imperio!" Ginny yelled, casting the curse on Bellatrix.

Bellatrix was now attacking her fellow Death Eaters.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" one yelled pointing their wand at Malfoy.

"GO GO GO GO GO!" Harry yelled, hesitantly pushing Malfoy into a room.

"WATCH OUT, PERCY!" Piper yelled and pulled me out of the way from a killing curse.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I yelled and the Death Eater fell to the floor.

"REDUCTO!" Ginny yelled and a few Death Eaters burst into dust.

Suddenly, the Death Eaters fled and... our favorite empousai and monsters appeared.


An empousa reached out to a first year but I pushed it off while the first year got to safety. I ducked as it lashed for my head and I kicked it in the stomach, not before it could bite my leg.


Suddenly, there was a silver arrow pointing out from its back.

"I got you!" Thalia yelled, pushing the empousa off of me and shooting a dracnae from the back.

"Thanks," I panted and ran off.

Jason kicked one heading for Piper and Thalia blasted it with electricity. And our favorite beefhead. Trying to strangle Annabeth, who was disarmed.


The Minotaur looked at me for a split second before dropping Annabeth, who was helped by Frank. I threw my sword like a javelin and impaled its stomach. Bad idea. I was almost immediately tackled to the floor by a Death Eater. Who? Lucius Malfoy himself. He pointed his wand at my throat.

"Go on," I gave him a challenging look, "Do it. You're on... his side after all. The one your son withdrew out of. Kill me. Start a war with your one and only child."

"AVA..." he trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow. He took a deep breath.


Well, I guess he wasn't aiming for me. He was aiming for the monster behind me. He got off of me and began to attack the rest of the monsters. Annabeth grabbed my sword, throwing it to me.

"Thanks!" I yelled and slashed through another monster.

"These things are hideous!" Nico spluttered, "I just got showered in dracnae dust! Tell them to take a shower!"

"We've gotta lead them away from here," Hazel kicked one in the chest, sending it flying through the air, where Frank ripped it to pieces.

"Well we can't just run into the Dark Forest like that! I bet there's some other trap there," Leo shook his head.

"Well what other option do we have?" Annabeth sighed, exasperated.

"No other option," Frank flew down.

"RUN!" I yelled and we ran out of the castle, the monsters hot on our heels.

"Frank! Jason! Can you give us a lift?"

"YEAH!" Frank turned into a dragon and I leaped on his back, followed by Annabeth and Hazel, as well as Leo.

Jason grabbed Piper in a piggy back ride and Nico shadow-traveled onto Frank. Thalia stayed below, electrocuting some of the monsters.

"Thals! Come on up!" Frank cawed.

"I-I can't!"

"What do you mean?!" Jason yelled.


"Just say it we've got no time!" I yelled, "They won't judge you!"


Everyone went silent. Even the monsters. Thalia groaned in frustration and killed at least a thousand with electrocution before Jason just swooped her up.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Thalia yelled as she was being propelled through the air.

The monsters followed us.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Thalia screamed.

Running through a Dark Forest that could possibly hold like... a million dark things that serve Voldy Moldy.

Frank then veered sharply off to the left before they could see, covering Jason with his tail. We flew back to the palace when we were sure they were gone and called the students out.

"Students," I said, limping forward, "They're gone. It's okay to come out now, but we must tell you what just happened. Voldemort has somehow managed to recruit... our villains."

"What do you mean by that?" a student called out.

"Well, we're being hunted down every single moment of our life. We're born with a smell. A demigod scent and you can't get it off. The monsters you just saw are attracted to our scent. The more powerful the aura, the more powerful the scent. They use their noses to find you and kill you. Many demigods have died before they get to the place where we have camp."

"Percy's aura is the strongest out of all demigods, so he's pretty much the smelliest one here," Annabeth laughed.

"Yeah... we can talk about how much I smell later. But I didn't think they'd fight, too. So... we need to train you how to fight them. And it's a lot harder than fighting with a human. You'll have to learn how to dodge poison, how to avoid getting bitten, and lots more."

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