Chapter 34 || Mission Percabeth Part 2

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If I screw this up, I'm dead meat. We watched as Jacob left and shadow traveled out.

"Harper, Lisa, Kylie, check on Annabeth. Come on, guys. Let's try and see if we can crack these chains."

Lisa took out her pocketknife and so did Harper and they began to cut the strings. I checked up on Percy.

"Yo, Perce? You there?"

No response. I heaved a sigh and raised some skeleton soldiers to try and cut apart the chains. Just as we were about to get one off, the doors burst open.

"Oh shit," Thalia muttered.

It was the Death Eaters.

"Harper?" two asked.

"H-Hi m-mum and dad..." she trailed off.

"What are you doing on their side?! Come here, darling!"

Before we knew it, a battle was going on. Jacob raced inside.

"NO!" Jacob began to fumble around for his tools.

The skeleton warriors had cut Percy's last chain and a loud boom sounded. We all looked to see Jacob firing like a mad man, trying to get Percy.

"GET THEM OUT!" I yelled.

Harper looked at her parents, shaking her head and running off.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" her dad yelled and she fell to the floor.

Lisa grabbed her arm and Kylie helped, dodging the other spells her parents threw. BANG! BANG! Jacob got Percy's chest and he smirked. I grabbed everyone, making sure they were all attached and shadow-traveled out with the help of Hazel. The Death Eaters all screamed and I made it over to the hospital wing.

"We did it!" I gasped.

Piper and the others were waiting anxiously. Piper dropped her bowl of mac n' cheese and gasped in horror.

"Oh my gods! What happened to them?"

Madame Pomfrey was rushing over.

"Oh dear... Nurses! NURSES I NEED NURSES!"

They were wheeled away and I felt the world going black.


The last thing I remember was searing pain in my arm.


I woke up to see my arm bandaged.

"You got shot. In the arm," Hazel explained, "Madame Pomfrey wants to see us."

I got off the cot and Madame Pomfrey looked at us grimly.

"They're not dead, are they?" I gasped.

"No," she shook her head, "No."


"Percy's in a coma. And Annabeth won't wake up for another two weeks or more. But that's not the worst thing right now."

"What is?" Hermione stared.

"Someone... apparently smashed a stone against her stomach. Three times. Hard. And... this was found. She was holding onto it."

There was a small plastic bin. I dread the facts but the moment I saw the dead bloody fetus, I knew what had happened. Piper let out a scream.


"The baby is dead. Whoever smashed the stone against her stomach killed the child."


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