Chapter 35 || It's All About Harry

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Lovely. This whole school is talking about Percy Jackson. I was walking down the hall, thinking about what had happened. Well, Percy had been kidnapped and tortured for three weeks and is now in a coma, Annabeth's baby has been destroyed by a Slytherin who she thought was nice but ended up being a terrible mate and ending her daughter's life.

"It's always the Slytherins," I muttered.

Just as that happened, I heard some Slytherin drawling.

"And he's in bed? All weak and comatose? He's not exercising? Not doing anything? Just got a scratch and now he's making a scene? It's pretty boy Sleeping Beauty all over again!"

For some reason... I didn't feel like joining in. I felt mad. And I had absolutely no idea why. I stomped over.

"Shut up!" I slapped their wand out of their hands, "If you wanna talk about Percy like that you've gotta go through me first."

More and more people were starting to form an audience.

"You? Hairy Pot?"

"I'm Hairy Pot and I'm proud of it. At least Percy's still hotter than you while he's asleep!" I retorted.

I saw the demigods join in the crowd. Everyone was 'ooh'ing. The Slytherin spat at me.

"Says the boy who's too scrawny to match is stick?"

"Says the boy who's so ugly he needs a bigger arse to shove his head back up into because it won't fit his ego?" I shot back.

The Slytherin didn't know what else to do so he punched me in the face. Broken nose alert! So I punched him there. I could almost feel the pain but watching him fall over like that was brilliant. Everyone began to laugh, and the Slytherin glared at me.

"Watch it, Gryffindor Freak."

"Uh..." I saw Thalia coming forward, expecting a big slap to the cheek, but instead, she smiled.

"Thanks for... uh... sticking up for him. I'd love to but another punch and I'd be out of this school for good."

"Well, you're technically just on poop patrol, in case on of us screws up or turns out to be a bad apple."

"Yeah, but it's still fun."

"Well... uh... have a nice day," I said awkwardly before walking away.


Is it just me or was Harry Potter nice?

"Is it just me or was Harry actually nice?" Nico wondered aloud.

"Hey! You just said what I was thinking!" I laughed.

"It's strange, really," Hermione shrugged, "Not used to it."

"Is he possessed?"

"I don't know and I don't wanna find out."


"Annabeth's awake. She's asking for you guys," Seamus ran down the hall towards us.

"Okay. Any updates about Percy?"

"Nope. He's unresponsive. Sleeping."

We walked in to see Annabeth kneading at the sheets, calmer than the last time we'd seen her.

"Hey, Annabeth," Thalia sat down next to her.

"Hey," she sniffled.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," I said, putting an arm around her.

"Leo?" Hazel raised an eyebrow.

"Hey! I'm just giving her a hug! It's not like I'm holding her hand or anything," I put my hands up.

This managed to make Annabeth laugh. A person pushed the curtains open and I saw Harry.

"If you're here to hit on me you can leave," Annabeth glared at him.

"No," Harry closed the blinds, "I'm just here to uh... say I'm sorry."

"He's okay now, Annabeth. He stood up for Percy yesterday in the hallway," Jason reassured her.

Annabeth nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I guess you figured out what happened," she sniffed.

"Yeah," Harry said, "but your daughter... Silena... is still alive. Down in your heart. Where everyone else you loved is. And Percy's not dead. He's alive. Just not awake. Sometimes what you need to do is accept it. And that makes everything better."

Ron came in, followed by Hermione.

"How are you, Annabeth?" Ron asked.

"Are you okay? Madame Pomfrey said you're not allowed to get out of bed for a while."

"Nooo," Annabeth moaned.


You can't escape... hissing voices all sneered at me.

Where was I? In some void of darkness? Who was talking to me? I reached for my sword. But I had no sword. Where was the godsdamn sword?! Was I even alive? Where was Annabeth?

You can't escape the pull... more hissing voices.

"What do you want?!" I tried to scream but for some reason I couldn't scream.

Don't try to scream, Jackson...

I struggled in vain but the grip of darkness had a firm hold on me, and me struggling just made it go tighter.

Relax... You'll be in a better place now. Elysium.

No, no, no, no, no! Was I dying? I couldn't go there! As much as I wanted to, I had to stay alive for Annabeth and the war! I couldn't go like that! I tried and tried to get up again but then I saw flashes of everything in front of me. This couldn't be my life flashing in front of my eyes. No way. I looked closer. This wasn't... This wasn't my life.

It's only fair for us to show you because we helped them... No side gets the upper hand... the voice hissed again, this time, only one.

What does that mean--oh my gods does that mean they helped Voldemort?!

Indeed, young hero... but we warned him that we'd help you in a way because we are spirits. We don't favor any side we give equal amounts...

I scanned the gallery in front of me. How was I supposed to get out of this blackness though? This can't be actually real, though.

Oh, it is more real than anything you've ever experienced. Right now, your Wise Girl is sitting in bed, not able to move her legs because of the damage Jacob did to her. Right now, your friends mourn you, as you lay comatose in a hospital bed. Right now, the Dark Lord is raging war and is planning something devious. Right now, the gods are staring down at you, restraining Poseidon from helping as the three fates watch them with dagger stares...

What? Was this some chain riddle?

It is no riddle. It is a fact. And you are going to live with me for a long time, possibly forever...

What does that mean? Possibly forever?

Oh, well, you see... you only have a 25% chance of making it out of here alive. And that 25% chance only comes if I allow you to leave my black abyss. If you can't leave, you'll be dead. In the fields of Elysium, where your Wise Girl and friends will never reach you again.

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