01 || New Home

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"Y/n, the plane is about leave for Japan! Are you almost ready?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

A teenage boy waiting eagerly to say goodbye to his one and only, partner in crime and superhero work: you. He held on to the suitcase handle with a tight grip, anxious to say goodbye.

"It's not like I'm never coming back, Pete. This is temporary, it's a mission I took for that..." you leaned in to his ear and used your hand as a shield to cover your lips, "...extra cash."

"Besides," you continued back to your typical voice and stood relaxed in front of him, "I'll be lonely in Japan. Those pro-heroes have nothing on you."

"We studied Japanese together just so we could do this mission. I'm sorry I can't do it with you." Peter Parker, the nicest boy you know.

"It's okay," you gave him a hug and tightened your grip around the back of his neck, "come visit me."

"I will."

Chapter 1

"We have a new student joining us this week." Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A, announced to his students so early in the morning. The groans weren't at all exciting or welcoming.

Although, some seemed more than excited to meet a new addition to the class.

A day before being assigned this mission.

"You'll be undercover as a student in the Hero Course training to be a Pro-Hero in the future. As an undercover student, it's your job to figure out who at this school is providing private information to the League of Villains." Your boss, Nick Fury, told you through the tv screen in your bedroom.

"This is Japan's problem. They have one of the strongest heroes in the world in their city, and here they are calling a teenager to do their job for them." You grabbed the file handed to you on your desk and flipped through the papers.

They were profiles of every student and teacher in the facility, including past ones too.

"You are kidding me, right?" You scoffed from the unbearable amount of information you've been asked to learn. "You told me this mission wouldn't take longer than a month?"

"I said it wouldn't take longer than a month if you're good at it."

"Fair." The files slammed on the desk in frustration. You didn't drop of of your school for this. You did it to fight off aliens, have fun hurting those who deserved it. You didn't give up your childhood for this.

"There are three kids in the class you're going to be in. They're three kids who you will automatically disqualify as a suspect." He continued to list the three boys with tone.

"Izuku Midoriya. He gained his quirk from the Pro-Hero: All Might. We don't know much about the power, but he has strength."

"Shoto Todoroki. He is the son of the number two hero: Endeavor. He could control ice and fire depending on what side he uses."

"And the last one.. Katsu-"

"Katsuki Bakugo." You interrupted him while holding the profile up to your vision. "This is the kid I saw on TV. The one that threw a fit in chains."

"Yes. He has an explosive power. However, his attitude and goals do not match up to villainous actions." He displayed a class chart and crossed the three boys off and leaving the rest with clear profiles. "The rest of the children, keep an eye on."

"Okay." You sighed. At least you won't have to make friends with them. You can study these kids from a distance, which is what you're great at doing. "Anything else?"

"Don't get attached, Spider-girl. This is a mission, this isn't your normal day-to-day life." Fury's screen disconnected and tuned black. Dramatic.

"My life hasn't been normal since the day before I woke up with these abilities."


"Come in and introduce yourself to the class." Mr. Aizawa used a hand gesture to welcome you in.

All the stares on you, and they didn't even know. Your eyes flickered from one kid to the next, remembering you looked long and hard at their profiles for days on end, studying their home life, their powers, and their academic history, and they had no idea.

"Hi," you waved, "I'm Y/n L/n."

ahh 01/23/22 is the beginning of me editing this book since I wrote it when I was like... 15.. and now im 17 and embarrassed from the horrible writing and grammar lol

im so sorry if you read a chapter that isn't edited yet :( because I understand aggravating writing since I got into college for an English major

anyways, enjoy :)

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