32|| argument

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-"HEY, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I DIED?" you asked sarcastically to the team sitting around on the couch.

"jesus y/n, you're always asking the weirdest things like that." stark shook his head.

"i'm just asking! like, what would my family think, or you guys, or the world?"

"probably be pretty sad you idiot." peter smacked your head and grinned.

"okay okay fine. understandable i guess. but just know i won't die because i'm the strongest bitch here."

"sure, you definitely one hundred percent are!" peter sarcastically said as everyone else laughed.

the flashback seemed like forever, when it was only a second of you still falling through the air. the man let you go a little farther from the crowd, but you fell in slow motion to them .

you were heading towards a construction site. a slanted metal pillar was sticking out of the ground directly underneath you.

the heroes started to run towards you, but by the time they arrive it would be too late. thankfully, two of your classmates thought ahead.

todoroki shot an ice slide underneath you to keep you from being impaled by the pillar. your felt the cold against your back and your wounds left a trail of blood. thankfully, you were still in your suit so the cold didn't give you burns.

above you was a helicopter, so you took the chance to web onto it and pull yourself up. before pressing the button, bakugo used his explosions to fly towards you and grab your hand. confused to why, you realized the villain was behind you on the ice.

the two of you crashed into a tree. blood coughed up from your mouth and bakugo held his waist in pain.

"get out of here!" you shouted towards him still coughing up blood from your mouth and nose.

"no fucking way!"

"he'll kill you, you idiot!"

"i'm not here to kill him." the villain landed in front of you both while holding his chest from the stab wounds you caused and limped closer to you. "killing him means extra blood, and i don't feel like that tonight."

he lifted you from your neck while you kicked your legs and held on to his arm. "do you know what would happen to you if you killed me?" you managed to cough out.

"the heroes are right there and there's three helicopters above us and an entire team of military showing up any second now. even if you do kill me, you'll be tortured in prison."

once he was distracted from looking around him, you took the opportunity to web his face and wrap your legs around his neck bringing him to the ground.

there was just enough adrenaline in you to hold him down until everybody arrived. the villain managed to take a syringe to inject you, but you quickly caught his arm and held it back down to the ground.

lights started to blind your eyes as well as bakugos. cars pulled up and a swarm of cops and a couple of heroes ran towards the both of you while the villain was unconscious on the ground from your knee being on his neck.

"l/n!" you stood up and let the detectives handcuff the villain and place him in a van that looked like a cell on wheels; like a caged animal.

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