45 || be careful

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long chapter 🏃🏻‍♀️

-"OOPS, SORRY. I DIDN'T SEE YOU." you bumped into a business man walking out of the glass doors that belonged to a tinted building on the side of the road.

he didn't look up, he didn't react, he continued to walk. you rolled your eyes at the rudeness. at least say 'no worries' or something like that, jeez. you shrugged it off snd continued to walk.

you missed school today, again. running errands for yourself and others takes up most of your time throughout the weeks. the class now being second years gives you a little bit more time to do so too.

after being in japan for almost a year, you've gotten used to the area. you know where the smallest things are like the hole-in-the-wall bakeries and the street food corners or the small convenience shops.

building a bond with the class has helped tremendously; knowing the events of what happened before you were at the school from their point of view and learning more about the hero society.

after using the whole day to run errands like grocery shopping, more paper, printer ink, and a new internet router, you stopped by the local bakery you've been helping grow. plus, somebody worked there undercover.

"hey!" you opened the door- the bell ringing to let the employees know you were there the third time this week on a tuesday, "four dozen muffins warmed please!"

the employee started to warm up the forty eight muffins in the large ovens as you sat down your bag on the counter to pay. the undercover employee walked up to charge you, and you shot him a smile.

however, he didn't shoot his usual 'hey y/n! nice to see you again' smile. it was more of a concerned look, but not for himself.

"what's wrong?" you questioned his weird expression. "did i do something? is there something on me?"

no response.

you took a deep breath and sighed, "you're kinda scaring me here."

"are you planning on doing anything today? like a fight? a mission?" he whispered softly, which caught you by a small surprise since he normally doesn't seem frightened to ask.

"no..," you dragged, "i hope not at least. it's monday so who knows. why?" you stuck your card in the machine and punched the numbers.

"a picture of you showed up on my feed and i felt sick just by looking at you." he didn't mean to sound rude, so he tried to explain it in his best way.

"my quirk, fortune teller," he continued, "that's how i made money when i was a teenager. you're in danger, y/n."

you blinked, but then chucked and shrugged your shoulders, "of course i'm in danger, when am i not?" you tried to laugh off his sudden frightening tell, even though it was a bit startling.

"i'm being serious," he handed the bag of the boxes of muffins over the counter, "be careful, especially with the internet."

"okay, thanks." you nodded your head lightly and gave him a fake grin. that was a weird interaction for you, and it was very out of no where too.

arriving back the dormitory, everybody just got out of school. and of course, they were all starving.

"hey class 2-a, you have muffins waiting for you in these boxes." before the boxes could land on the table, the hungry class raced towards the food.

you jumped out of the way to avoid being trampled on, but ended up jumping into somebody's arms.

he gripped your arms and balanced you to stand up straight and tossed you around to face him.

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